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Posts posted by rowlo-efc

  1. So you think bigger is better than?OI GAIVOLT! :blink:

    Look Crouch is shite and the only reason that he will be at the RS next season will be because no-one will buy him!


    BT still has a lot to live up to by his own standards but he is far the better player than Crouch. He can jump higher for starters. ANyone EVER seen crouch jump - he gets about 6inches off the floor at most.


    BT is playing much better of late (derby excluded) and crouch is still shit. Nobody wants him in the ENgland squad (er..if they did, why does everyone boo him when he comes on?!) and not many pundits (bar Jamie Redknapp) rate him as good enough to wipe my arse let alone play professional football.

  2. Good post


    Modern footballers are greedy bastards really


    How are they any different to you or I?


    If another company down the road head hunted you and offered you more money, bigger office, company car etc etc - wouldn't you at least consider it..and probably, 99 times out of 100, you'd swap companies..woudln't you?!?!?!


    People are only loyal to Families and Money - and that may be a bitter pill to swallow but its the truth.


    The days of working for a company all your life because they looked after you have long gone - the fact is no employer wants to look after its employees unless there is something in it for them.

    BK will always be more than willing to look after players because he is ALWAYS more than willing to sell them. No player stays at a club unless it pays well and is successful (Gary Neville, Man U) or he is forced out (R. Fowler, RS).

    If man U were shite and had not much money - would Beckham and Co have stayed for so long?!


    I Seriously doubt it.


    If the company you work for now told you that you would never get a pay rise and it was never going to grow or look for a better future, wouldn't you leave?


    I've gone round the houses a bit, but my point is basically this - footballers are branded as greedy when in fact their morales are no different to ours. The only difference is that they are in the public eye.


    and remember - they may get £30k a week - but for how long do they get that money?


    take cahill for example.

    £33k a week now - but he is 26. He was 5 years left, of which 3yrs he will be on similar money - but before now and after another 3 yrs, his money will drop and drop.

    At 30-33 he will retire and have to live the other 40-50 yrs of his life hoping that his football pension and savings do alright. (no doubt that they will but....)


    the saying 'make hey whilst the sun shines' is true in all walks of life and everyone takes advantage whilst they can - footballers are no different.

  3. And another thing..


    what is the criteria for be selected for the G14?



    Ahhh thats right - there isn't one.


    Its just like golf clubs used to be before equal rights came into force.


    there was no application - you had to know the secret hand shake...


    well like golf clubs, like the masons (or squared circle in corry), like the rotary club...its original ways and methods will be blown to pieces and everyone will be allowed to apply for membership otherwise it will be disbanded.


    THERE SHOULD NEVER BE A CLOSED MEMBERSHIP ORGANISATION FOR THE TOP GROUP -EVER! our very own promotion/relegation system was put in place for that very reason.

  4. Fuck off twit...


    who the fuck are you to talk to me like that - you and your club are forever in our shadow, you are fuck all.


    Fuck you, southampton, villa and forest - and the rest of you pretenders



    Deluded is an understatement.


    Its about history he says...


    the CL ratings are based on the previous 3 yrs of european competition only.

    The g14 is a monopolised group that would not be warranted under current european law if it was a business. (code and directive states that a membership ran business has to be open to al who wish to apply - thats why golf clubs in europe are no longer 'private' and are all open memberships!)


    its not about whether you are red or blue - its about fairness...


    the conservative party was thrown out of power in this country because they formed alliances that made the rich richer and the poor poorer. Most people in LIverpool voted labour to stop the rot.


    what is different about the G14 - the rich clubs get richer and the poor clubs get poorer.


    is that Cest la vie? If so then most people in this country and other european countries are calling themselves hypocrites by their own morales.


    Its not fair trading, its not a legitimate association - its a gentlemans club and they are banned in the UK and europe so why isn't G14 stopped in its tracks?!


    I cant answer that, but I guarantee that it wont be around for much longer.


    G14 - super league - go on, i dare you. no more derby games, no more away trips (who will be able to afford regular away trips to italy, france, spain)

    How will teams be promoted, relegated etc.



  5. No, although they did apply to join but it was reject by three members Man USA, Barcelona and Arsenal - Strangely Liverpool voted for Ch$lski to join.

    You talk out of your arse.


    the european cup was going long before the G14 was invented.

    the CL was going long before the G14 merged.


    Its a bollox organisation that has yet to implement one good thing for either its member clubs or football in general.


    It pops its ugly head now and then with a daft suggestion - like' pay us £900m for compensation' and then its put to bed as quickly as it shows itself.


    Uefa will disband it and if it starts its own leagues it will be hard pressed to find the backing and sponsorship-as uefa holds all the cards. and the g14 knows it!

  6. I would like to think that we lost to the team that was going to go on to win the comp!!!

    I'm only glad that they didn't meet the shite and the shite beat them! We would never live that one down.


    The fact that they are still in the comp is great - if they win it at least we got beat (only just) by the team that went all the way.


    but as far as support goes...Arsenal for me. WOuld like another english club to win it again...and again...and again...


    Fuck all the foreign crap off!!

  7. Mac read this one earlier and commented on a "sell on clause" when Rooney was sold to Man u. If this is the case and he does get sold, that could be a few quid for Everton. Or has he got it wrong again. :lol:




    the sell on clause does not come into play until ROONEY signs his second contract at untied.


    and then we get 25% of uniteds PROFIT (Ove rthe £20m they paid (no including the incentives))...i.e. if they sell him for £19m - we get zilch!


    If they sell him for £24m we get £1m

    catch my drift?!


    IF the little twat signs his second contract at UNITED, we get £3m - but that could be any time between now and 2010! (6yr deal signed originally!)


    We got £20m and that was our lot!

  8. Who gives a flying fuck about the intertoto...


    More games we'll lose after a close season of getting our hopes up./

    The intertoto is only three games and its pre-season - so we should use them as friendlies like the skunks did last year (unfortunately they got Deportivo in the semi's!)


    If we win our final - UEFA qualifying rounds here we come. The lads are a little wiser now to european football and perhaps have realised that you have to be patient when playing against european opposition - and not play like your in the prem!


    It may also mean that Joey and Arteta stay!

  9. A top 6 finish has to be our aim at the beginning of next season as a minimum. I think with the players Moyes currently has and a few additions in the summer, this should be a realistic target.


    Anything less than challenging for top 6 will be a backward step.

    There is no chance of getting into the top 6 this time around. We let too many silly games go. (i.e. Sunderland)


    If we want a uefa spot then we have to be consistent and follow Blackburns lead this season. Otherwise we better hope that they finish in the top 6 so that we can have the Intertoto place.


    WE had such a terrible start to the season that I think it is going to be the decider - if we do make it near to the top 6 then our goal difference is going to let us down.


    POints mean prises!

  10. Got to be worth more than £3m...


    but as always, since the Bosman ruling, if we dont sell him now for a cut down price, he will walk for nothing in a years time...and in the time between then and now he will happily sit in the stands and refuse to co-operate (if he is that way inclined).


    Hopefully we will keep him...if not, hopefully we will get at least £5m (if not more) and if not then hopefully we will learn from it and be tougher with our players or get a director of football in to negotiate the signings for Moyes and BK!!!


    If Yobo reads this site - STAY AT Everton - we are the only club in the country that cares about its players and commits to looking after them long after they have finished playing - as Labone, McKenzie, Sharp...

  11. My thoughts and prayers are with Kayley, and a personal thought to Kayley's mam, stay strong for your little girl and you must be very proud of the way she is dealing with her problems.




    Can we not run an article of support for Kayley on Borntobeblue.co.uk??


    Perhaps even run a paypal donation account and buy her something big and blue??(no - dont think we could raise the money to buy her Goodison, but...)


    Just a thought!!!





    Stay strong and keep fighting. Hopefully the doctors will find a way to give you the quality of life that the rest of us enjoy and take for granted.


    Good luck, keep your chin up and continue to dismiss anything red!!!



  12. I have a little story that may help cheer everyone up a bit after the defeat on Saturday. Kayley's Mum was telling me last night that two years ago when she was desperately ill in hopital (with less than a 20% lung capacity) she heard that the Liverpool players were doing a tour of the ward. She insisted that she was going to struggle into her Everton kit especially and instructed all the nurses to put up Everton scarves and Everton posters on the walls of her cubicle. When the Liverpool players came round she point blank refused to let them in her room. Steven Gerrard went up to her doorway and said please could he come and see her and give her a goody bag to which Kayley replied "I'm not being funny or nothing, but the answer is no". So SG said "But you must be the only girl in Liverpool who won't let me in her room!" and Kayley retorted "Well if you put on an Everton kit I might consider it but while you're wearing that red thing you're not come anywhere near me or my nice blue room"! :lol:  





  13. A dozen or so good games spread over 10 years or so soes not make him a gret,fr from it.


    The sooner he goes the better


    The only reason that Dunc has been given such status at EFc is because during the 90's we had NOTHING to boast about - so we latched onto anything and that anything happened to be a fiery scotsman who couldn't help but get himself in trouble.


    The fact is, he has given us a service over 10 years - and in that period he has had suspensions that totalled a WHOLE season - 10 percent of his playing career he sat in the stands under suspension. Thats not good enough..


    but...as I said during the 90's (and lets not forget that a large No. of people in Goodison are not old enough to remember anything before Dunc!) we had nothing to celebrate - except avoiding relegation and Dunc came, scored against a few teams (noticeably the shite) and kept us up when we were destined for relegation...

    for that, for the passion he shows when he does play, for the effect he has on his teammates when he does play - he has become the only thing to sing about.


    However, we have proved lately that we can manage without him and I think it is time for him to hang up his boots and become a fans liaison rep (or something) for the club...

  14. VDM was unlucky - I dont think that he had any intention of connecting with his elbow - it was a yellow card if anything at all.

    there was no intent and I am a little disappointed that EFC have not contested the ref's decision. He didn't swing his arm into the RS lad's face - unlike Garcia in the first half against Kilbane - that was a disgrace and he should have walked.


    Also the corner that Neville converted....it was clearly out! but the linesman didn't pick it up.


    The red card of Gerrard was deserved - his tackle, in its own right, should have been a red card - let alone a 2nd yellow. (although it would have been better had he stayed on the pitch - we were playing better football when he was on!).


    From that moment on, the REF was clearly looking to square things up - and that equals bookings....every tackle, every niggle in the box - all yellow cards for the boys in blue.


    Regardless of them being RS players, it is a despicable act to try and get a fellow player booked - it is even more despicable to then get up after the tackle and gesture to the ref that another should be booked. That should be punished...


    The RS are good players - no doubt about it, they proved that to us on Saturday (although we were never destined to win - prem plus, early kick off, away from home, no Arteta)...they dont need to cheat, but they did and if I remember correctly, they were the first ones to moan when Robben took the dive when Reina raised his hands!!!

  15. Not too sure on this one anymore  :unsure: , I can see what people are trying to say, but it still galls me to think how he has put his own temper and foolishness before the good of the club.


    IF he comes on against the RS, and IF he scores no-one will cheer louder than me, but I reserve the right to think he is not a legend.





    Mac, thats fair enough. I love the guy - wouldn't change a thing about him - why? because we know what to expect so we can factor in his appalling disciplinary record!! and it adds a temper to the game that we do not see at many other clubs and its great to watch and there is a sort of pride that goes with it.


    As for Unsy, yes he gave his all and yes you can never say that he isn't a true blue through and through - but he just didn't have that 'edge' for me that makes someone stand out from the crowd.


    good defender though - we should never have allowed him to leave and go to West Ham - a massive failing in evertons transfer history - we gave him away just as he was coming good and verging on an international cap again! (and to think that we swapped him and CASH for Danny (never to appear) WIlliamson)

  16. no i have not .  i dont slag off my team thats just not the done thing .i have only ever asked for peoples views. i have only used one name witch is ola i do not hide behind all these gobshites names like some of the people here do .so before you start spouting your gob off  get your facts straight YOU never slag your team off any blue knows this .i hope this has put a end to all this tripe some of you are telling me  end of :angry:


    Did you go to school - only your grammer (even for an internet forum) is terrible. Try using a full stop or a comma now and then!!!

  17. AFter an OK season - Everton finish 7th, agonisingly one place from Europe. But as a result of blackburn finishing 6th, they enter the intertoto cup.



    The closed season is evenful. Moyes is given £7.5m to play with


    He loses Beattie in a shock exit to the skunks, who pay a staggering £10m for him

    Arteta also, after being selected for spain, returns to Barcelona in a deal worth £8m.


    Stubbs and Weir are not given contracts but Ferrari decides to sign a permanent deal for 3 yrs.


    MOyes dabbles in the transfer market but finds it hard as the ensuing world cup prices a lot of medocre players out of his price range.


    He signs another fullback and a young righback.


    He also signs a striker from abroad and the young brazilian starlet (anderson) arrives as planned from Malaga.


    the prediction continues.... (add your own slant)

  18. I post on Liverpool and Everton forums and i am part of a family full of Kopites and Bluenoses (which is more difficult to be a part of than what you realize  :( )


    Winning the derby on Saturday is like winning a major trophy to the Everton fans  :lol:

    It is for RS fans as well - We have taken soooo mcuh stick over the last 2 decades that when we get a bit of glory, we rub it back in your faces.


    Please do not treat the derby as 'just another prem game' for Liverpool - because we all know that aint the case.


    There is passion from both sets of supporters and there is a lot of nail biting before and during the game. Afterwards, if there is a result, then both sets of fans use it to there advantage - to wind the other set of fans up...please do not try to deny this...


    thus proving that the derby is similar to a 'cup final' for both clubs and set of fans...

    Its an added exciting extra to the season - and YOU KNOW IT


    The fact that you have entered a blue forum to post this very topic, right before a derby, proves my point...does it not!?!?!

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