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Cornish Steve

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Posts posted by Cornish Steve

  1. I'm mid table obscurity.


    Stupid fucking game anyway!!



    On a seeious note, thanks Steve, appreciate the time and effort you put into it, it must be time consuming so it's appreciated by I'm sure everyone.


    Most of it is automated in a spreadsheet. It takes me about 20 minutes to then sort and adjust the formatting. Not a big deal.

  2. Ignoring "TT average" I came fourth in every table; the worst place in the world because you get no medal :(.



    Sounds like a plan; but will the organisers not get suspicious if we all put in the same prediction (plus the fact Daib is a member so he may well see what we're up to)? Be an interesting experiment though.


    What I'm suggesting is not that we all submit the same answer (the average) but that we adjust our predictions to be closer to the average. That should be enough.

  3. I just about clung on!


    How many 10 pointers were there over the season?


    For 10 points, you needed the correct score and the correct first Everton scorer

    You scored 10 away to Man United

    Deacs, TonkaRoost, and I all scored 10 at home to West Ham

    MillwallForever and you scored 10 away to Crystal Palace

    I scored 10 at home to Burnley.


    For 8 points, you needed the correct score and predict no Everton scorer

    Deacs scored 8 away to Chelsea

    Deacs and TonkaRoost scored 8 away to Arsenal

    Chalkpie and Rusty scored 8 away to Stoke.


    I can't upload a file, but I can send you my final spreadsheet with all the weekly results.

  4. Note how the Forum Average won in all categories. The longer the game went on, the more certain it was becoming that the Forum Average would win out. This proves a theory known as the "Wisdom of Crowds." For example, if you see that game at a fair where you must estimate the number of marbles in a jar, glance at all the entries, add them up, find the average, and make that your prediction. Almost always, you will win.


    Apparently, a few decade ago, the navy was trying to find the location of a wrecked submarine somewhere in the Atlantic. They asked about ten experts to make their predictions. When they looked at the location representing the average of the predicted coordinates, the submarine was found less than a mile away. It's a surprising but predictable phenomenon.


    So, this is my cunning plan for next year's inter-forum challenge. Let's all make our predictions in a forum that can be viewed by members only. I'll calculate the average prediction. Then we'll adjust our individual predictions so they are closer to the average. If we do that, I feel confident we'll win. Any takers? :)


    Of course, my problem is that, next season, everyone will wait until one minute before kickoff to make their predictions - so they can choose the average of everyone else's.!!!

  5. Final scores for the season!


    For the final game, Deacs was the only one to predict a Spurs win and the only one to score 3 points. For the month, I just managed to retain my lead over Deacs (by a single point). For the season, Romey is the champion, holding off a late challenge from TonkaRoost. For points per game, TonkaRoost won out, with Deacs beating out Romey for second. Well done to all.


  6. If you read my earlier post I said it's not as simple as that but thats the bare bones of it.


    If they do it for us do they have to do it for others. There's scores of reasons for and against I was just simplifying it.


    Why would they have to do it for others? It's strictly a business decision, not a donation. Each case would be judged on its merits.

  7. I hope Rangers go up for their fans. I feel heart sorry for them they have been fucked over so bad by that club yet still turn up.


    Season ticket sales were stolen on them and everything . The clubs run by vultures and crabs but the fans don't deserve whats happened to them.


    I'd like to see Rangers go up - if only to see them be hammered by the other teams and relegated immediately.

  8. I mean if we had the money to build it we could have it but we don't. We want the council (local authority) to pay a large portion of it and they are saying they both don't have it and are probably legally bound not to pay for it for us.


    But this is very different. The city of Liverpool looks to gain a lucrative income from a new Everton stadium. In most cities here in the US, the financial return to the local economy can be twenty years or less. When a city refuses, the team uproots and moves to a city that will build a stadium. That won't happen with Everton, of course, but the mayor of the city is cutting his nose to spite his face by refusing to consider funding a new stadium.


    Sorry to say it, but I don't think the city will gain that much more income by buying you a new house - unless it becomes a wonderful tourist attraction that attracts many thousands. Be creative. What can you do for that to happen?

  9. Just watched the 20 minute highlights, seems to have made the most of a reasonably dull game. Ossis goal though :o


    I watched the highlights last night as well, even after watching the game live on video. What the headlines pointed out to me is that Barry had a decent game. His contributions, I think, are underrated.

  10. Amen thank you Romey. Europa goals were against top euro competition, the cup goals (2) I could see people moanin about, but not Europa. Those were top matches and opponents.


    Love lukaku one of my favorites, I can't wait for next year!!


    I'm a supporter of Lukaku as well. Right now, I want him to stay at Everton throughout his productive years. But...I'm worried about those stats. Goals per game are declining, and goals in the Prem are significantly declining. As I mentioned earlier, maybe his record in the Europa was because he's an unknown quantity to opponents outside England. Or maybe it's because he's better suited to playing against a different style of football. The focus has to be on getting better numbers in the Premier League. Would you not agree?

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