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Everything posted by xavier

  1. Went in for a 40-60 ball (on the ground) with Scott Parker which he wasnt going to win. Parker got the ball away but his follow through went right through Bullard's knee. Supposedly Bullard has got multiple fractures + a dislocated kneecap + a broken knee cup + ligament damage. Oh god.
  2. Oh my god. Shocking. Have saved a video of it. Dont know whether to post it or now. Good luck, lad. Hope the imjury doesnt ruin your career.
  3. Yep. 3 yellows for a red is a new norm. And i always thought you were the bitters.
  4. I just thought that that was really a dumb thing to say. No arguments needed to make..dont even think that those statements need an argument. IMO, those were just stupid stuff to say.
  5. Thought Gerrard was shite myself. Sissoko will be a star. That i have no doubts about it. He had a decent game i thought. Alonso was shite. Nah, even Hibbert knew that it was a penalty.
  6. No. But i thought he was englands best referee and felt a bit bad for him when he fucked up at the WC. But in all honesty he had a bad game today.
  7. You were probably watching the wrong game if you think that wasnt a penalty. You're right but hitting the post twice IS bad luck. I still think Gerrard is the best midfielder in the game and love Carra, Sami and almost all our players (that includes our defense if you dont know). But that doesnt take away the fact that they were hopeless today. And Poll had a hopeless game. Gave us nothing. Fair play. Although we didnt look as bad a a 3-0 loss and even though we had more chances than you, you had the better ones and took them well. I think all three goals were a bit lucky but fair play anyway. Rafa fucked up when he decided that he doesnt want width in this game. It was Cisse's pace with split you open last time. so a huge mistake from the gaffer. You in first place then?
  8. He's a twit. Awful refereeing today
  9. Oh excuses. With a bit of luck the score could have been a lot better. Hibbert handballed. Gerrard hit the post twice. Poll/Asst. Manager is a twat and i hate our defense.
  10. xavier

    Everton V Rs

    India is +4.30 hrs from the GMT times. 7.45 means that he probably from the far east..Malaysia, singapore maybe?
  11. Not bothered about? :S AH FUCK! Just had a call. I have an extra class from 4-5.30 in the evening today. The game starts at 5.15. No way im going to reach home before six.
  12. Why not? Midweek internationals? Surely its the job of the gaffer to get the players up for a game and its not tough to do that in a derby game?
  13. xavier

    Everton V Rs

    Are you sure Moyes will go 442, Randomness? I think he's going to pack the midfield and play a 451 with Cahill off Johnson.
  14. Yes. And No. Yes Pat. I think our game in hand is again the Arse.
  15. Who gives a damn about the winter. Make the shirt smaller i say!
  16. ''If he maintains his form, and if McClaren is to be believed, it won’t be long before Osman pushes for a place in the England squad. Although there may be a tendency to compare Osman with other fringe midfielders such as Manchester City’s Barton, Bolton’s Nolan, Newcastle’s Parker or Tottenham’s Jenas, Osman in fact offers something extra perhaps even to challenge Chelsea’s Lampard or Liverpool’s Gerrard.'' This part made me laugh. Sorry.
  17. Its his local club. He's doing it because of his love for them not for the cash. Probably be good for the rovers.
  18. xavier

    Everton V Rs

    Now that Kilbane's gone who do you think will play left mid? McFadden or Arteta or is there anybody else? (I expect Van Der Meyde to be injured. Is he?) I'd be glad if Arteta plays on the left as his presence in the middle will be missed. McFadden on the left would mean that your leftback will get less cover than what Kilbane gave him and would be more vulnerable?
  19. Click on link Would be sad to see Anfield be torn down but we got to move with the times, i guess. Arsenal will be maing 7 million a year more than us through ticket sales and Man Ure even more. So i believe we need to increase our capacity as well to keep up with them. ------------------ But does this basically mean that Everton and Us will not be sharing the same ground? I think so. And i for one, am pleased.
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