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Posts posted by GoldfishMemory

  1. Ok. Id like to share my opinion on this as well. Its not that reds like me post shit all the time is it? If i get into a discussion i normally refrain from posting unwanted posts.


    But this doesnt work one way does it?? How many Anti-Liverpool threads are present in the forum as  whole?? Quite a few? Thats an understatement.


    Now, if making fun of Liverpool and its supporters is 'just a bit of fun', why doesnt it work the other way round. If somebody talks football to me, i talk football. If somebody talks crap and i can be as bitter as they are as well, when i want to.


    Id love to pick names but i am not classless.


    I know and appreciate that this is an Everton forum, but the slack Liverpool FC gets from this forums is uncalled for. I dont expect anyone to like LFC but too much is too much IMO.


    Also, ive heard a lot 'this is my forums, fuck off Xavier.' Why so?? I thought that internet forums were for everyone. :lol:


    IMO ive always made footie related posts when somebody talkts football with me. If somebody posts stupid drivel i give them back the same. So how come I get banned and they dont? Isnt that unfair?


    Its upto you now, Admins. Ban if you want to or let all stay. If the forums are to improve, shit from supporters from both 'The Reds' and 'The Blues' need to stop. It has to work both ways, if you know what i mean.


    If an Everton supporter talks drivel most of the time and does very little, he/she needs to be banned or atleast be given a warning.


    Id appreciate a honest reply. But i doubt i'll get one.


    My opinion is to let you all stay and although i dont remember you personaly making any argumentative comments let me ask you some questions!


    If you are not trying to get into arguments why do you have Xaviea as your ID? Why show a liverpool video? and why get yourself into these discussions? Why have you'll never walk alone as your signature?


    you could name yourself something non liverpool and stay out of the Blue/Red debate and you would not even be on the RS list for possble banning! Use your brains and stop thinking you have a rite to have a go back. If i went on your liverpool forum now and started a argument i would be banned by tonight!


    End of chat :lol:

  2. Does anyone have a copy of the match programme from Boro' last week? If you have go and get it.


    The middle "poster" page is fatty taking the penalty against Chelsea and he seems very "pleased" about taking it, infact he seems to be marginaly aroused by the responsability. My girl spent 20mins last nite trying to decide if he had a large package or a small erection!


    You decide :lol:

  3. Thank you blues :)


    My positivity could quite easily have been described as stupidity had we gone and lost this one!!


    E-i e-i e-i-o. up the premier league we go, we are the Everton boys, we are the Everton boys, we are Everton super Everton marching up the league :P

  4. ....................martyn.....................








    Subs.....turner (it will be dicky prob but it should be that lad), osman, weir, bent


    I'm with Ian, we need some meat in midfield and sadly only neville gives us that at the moment so killa at left back it is.


    One worry, does Pennant play left or right? he'll rip killa to pices all day if he's down that side!! :P

  5. We can all say "we are entitled" and "they should be able to take it" but do you think it will bother half of them when Everton are in the Championship?


    No, it will bother us Evertonians, we want our team to be good and slating them when their down will never give us that! I was in the boo brigade when i was younger and even last night i had to stop myself from shouting at players when they made mistakes but i know what i want these days.


    Everton at the top of the league and if i have to sing and cheer when my team is playing shite to achieve that i will. Over paid? Yes! Lack of commitment? Yes! But its not the players i Love, it's Everton Football Club the pride of Merseyside (once!!!).

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