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Zac Brown

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Posts posted by Zac Brown

  1. Washington (state) is supposed to be the most depressive part of the United States (we've been on this issue before) and with it, Seattle is (allegedly) a miserable place to be (how the fuck was I born in Maryland..) but it's just talk with no substantial evidence for the most part.


    Believe there's one or two others from Seattle on these pages, but they never returned after an introduction. Take this opportunity to welcome the latest participant to the TT forum pages.

    Tacoma is actually where a lot of those stats come from which is South Sound. Seattle itself completely makes up for wet winters and falls in the summer (late June to early October).

  2. Welcome to the Forum. Your reasons for choosing Everton are interesting but you don't know just how lucky you are having made that choice. Everton are a family club, a supporters club, No big money men calling the tune, just good honest men who love Everton. A great manager and a great squad. Good forum this too.


    I didn't actually elaborate on it, but one of the main attractions for me for Everton was the idea of not spending big money but still being more than competitive with the Big Four. I support clubs, not players. I don't care about some big name player. I care about club loyalty (both staffs and players) as well as smart usage of the assets in front of you. More money might buy better players but it doesn't buy loyalty :).

  3. Hi all,


    Got interested in soccer/football recently, having attended all of the MLS Sounders games this season. I've always enjoyed watching the EPL and SPL but never followed closely enough to choose a team to support. I didn't want to jump on the Liverpool/ManU/Chelsea/Arsenal band wagon so started digging around about the philosophies of the different teams.


    Having read a couple articles about how Everton is using a lot of analytics to build their teams, I immediately knew they were the team for me to support. I'm a software engineer that works largely with statistical models so analytics/statistics is a soft spot for me.


    Additionally, I've enjoyed watching Tim Howard play on the USMNT which is how I became aware of Everton at all.


    I'm hoping next year I can make it to UK and catch a match.

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