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Everything posted by Claire

  1. Unfortunately i am single and intend to stay so for the time being
  2. awwwwwww thanks im blushing now!!
  3. Wow prince of eygpt you have a nice tan!
  4. Thats the same in sheffield its all indie people there no scallies you feel here you have to make extra effort to go out. It must be a yorkshire thing!
  5. Thats a lovely pic and I like the name James my best friend and my brother are both called James
  6. Wow i love shaving heads i could do it all day I do all my brothers, cousins and lad mates for them (and im ready 20 mins early!!!! which is why im here!)
  7. For you men then when I go to the golf tonight I will ask some of these supposed spice boys how long it takes them to get ready bet its not as long as me ive just stared and im goin out at nine
  8. Will do would be a great night cos for things like that all drinks are usually 50p
  9. Apparently cos theres loads of rivalry between Sheffield and Leeds uni next spring theres gonna be a Kaiser Cheif vs The Arctic Monkeys gig for the students. If this happens it'll be amazing
  10. I cant drink red wine it just doesnt agree with me I love a good pint of cold lager mmmm!
  11. This seems like a good thread to ask my question in In my uni house theres currently no phone or net service and of course we want to get it but cheaply as poss, there are phone holey things but not in every room so wireless would be good but I dont really know what that means or how i go about getting it
  12. If a guy took longer than me to get ready that would be the end for me and him I dont like vain men
  13. Lol making your hair spiky doesnt mean ur gay or anything and it is usually cheap
  14. Thats dead sweet you sound just like my mum and dad! No these lads all had shorts on tight t-shirts, spiky gelled hair very tanned like my ideal guys. And no liam they are not spice boys!
  15. Congratulations hope mother and baby are both well
  16. I miss my dad he comes back from holiday tomorrow ive missed his hugs they always manage to make me feel better
  17. Ive got a lime ha ha ha
  18. Thats why I dont tell my dad what goes on although he can usually tell when somethings up but id rather deal with things my own way
  19. Of course I am! What about grilled tomatoes?
  20. Awwwwww thats great news!!!!! Hope everythings ok!
  21. Im the angel of my group of mates mr fish <_<
  22. She got some of the mans stuff in her eye
  23. I'll add you to the list of people demanding my breakfasts
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