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Everything posted by Claire

  1. If he stays fit and regains his confidence then I think the prospects look good. Confidence is vital though as his performances last season cant have helped. Moyes is also going to have to play him in his correct position
  2. My dad and grandad are in the middle of writing a book which sort of covers this theme of how Everton have changed over the years. It started when we found my great grandads diary of when he used to go watch Everton so thats been rewritten, then my grandads added his era, then my dad and hopefully I'll be allowed to write the concluding chapters. But I think my overall feeling will be one of loss, the loss of the great Goodison atmosphere which made the place a fortress in the 80's now we only get a taste of that atmosphere a couple of matches a season. Its amazing how much putting in seats can change a stadiums feel and the ambience of the place. And looking to the future I cant see it getting better especially if we move to a big stadium in the middle of nowhere
  3. In 8 seconds i would have thrown the guy out!!
  4. Lol oh you lot make me laugh! And mac I hope she burns down your shed for that comment!
  5. No ones coming anywhere near my boobs with a pen!
  6. Add a please onto the end and you mite be on
  7. Whoo the fish is back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My names the same
  8. I have a few moments One was last week I was outside Lime Street Station by St Georges Hall at like 5pm on a Friday afternoon and it was full of businessmen. Anyway I had a floaty skirt on and it suddenly got windy. Well my skirt ended up by my head and i couldnt get it down so everyone saw everything Ive never run into the ubway so quickly in all my life!!!!! I also have a habit of when im out tucking my skirt into my knickers Maybe i should stop wearing skirts life might be simpler
  9. When my mum and dad came back off holiday they bought me a bottle of pernod I love it!!! But if it makes you shit the bed I might stay away!
  10. Does princess anne look like a horse in real life or does she just take bad photos? Daniel Bedingfields a million times better looking in real life he looks crap on photos but im the opposite i take crap photos
  11. Its really quiet round here ive got no one to talk to
  12. I have no experience of wrinkles but i do like a belly cant be doing with skinny men
  13. I dont mind naked I can cope as long as your ok to look at bowt 6 foot little bit of a belly dark hair and eyes and a bit of belly hair would be nice!!!!
  14. Ive met lots of footballers and famous people through my work at Everton and in politics. However my three favourites have to be Paul O'Grady who told me I was the most stunning person he'd ever met in his whole life. Daniel Bedingfield who I sorted of pulled and yeah. And my most fave Stephen Gately! The gay one from boyzone for anyone who doesnt know! He had been my idol since I was about 7 the first man to break my heart but a couple of years ago Kenwright arranged for me to meet him and he was tiny and lovely and it was like the best day of my life!
  15. Yeah thats it! The best is milk, rum, tia maria and creme de menthe it tastes like after eight mints
  16. I dont drink pints not cos i cant but cos they make me need the loo loads so for me its either a bottle of stella or any short really i'll drink most things usually vodka and diet coke but my new fave at the mo is rum and milk
  17. Id rather be cold cos hugs and that are better when its cold I cant be doing with sweaty men!
  18. It makes me look more classy though
  19. It used to be quite long now ive had it cut into a bob it looks very sopisticated makes me look a lot older and womanly as my next door neighbour said
  20. I had my hair cut yesterday £60 it cost but it looks ok
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