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Everything posted by Claire

  1. My mate had the clap in her eye once I remember takin her the clinic and nearly wettin myself laughin
  2. I only do breakfasts though!
  3. Im under 40 and I can cook breakfast!
  4. Theres a main street with about 4 bars on it was mad everyone was in the road and everything
  5. But even you would have been in awe of these men mmmmmm it was like id died and gone to heaven!
  6. I wasnt really bothered about replies I just needed to get it out of my system and now I have I feel a million times better So thanks
  7. I went to Hoylake last night and the place was buzzing full of the most amazing looking men you've ever seen!! Cant wait to go back tomorrow night!
  8. Erm excuse me mr goldfish do whoppers only go in there well i must be a whopper cos i went in last night (ok i admit it was 2 for 1 cheap drinks!)
  9. I feel ill and I need cheering up!! My mates came to stay from uni last night and we first went to Hoylake where the golf is loads of fit guys it was great. But then we went to town and it all went downhill we ended up getting split up, I ended up with one mate who was with this guy in a doorway and I just had to stand and wait and cars kept slowing down thinkin i was there for trade! I was not happy But we had an amazing day sightseeing today! Rant over sorry - I feel slightly better now!
  10. Were not all bad I promise! Id never do that to a lad
  11. Its on the Wirral right at the top on the Welsh side by the River Dee And fish yeah nich dougherty is the spice boy
  12. Awwww I hope so hes an absolute sweetie!
  13. Look out for a golfer called Nick Dougherty hes a local lad from Liverpool met him a few times hope he does well
  14. I hate it even more than you lot but if it brings George Clooney and Justin Timberlake to my village its fine with me!!
  15. Theres no way id really have a breast enhancement cos id take someones head off as i walked down the street!!
  16. Ooooooh George Clooney is apparently in town!
  17. To be fair the board have treated him like shit he could have walked out them last season and gone to Portsmouth and again I think this is a great example of how much Warnock thinks of the club that hes willing to slag the board off, not many managers will do that
  18. This thread has made me laugh so much!!!!! And kissing has so many names when I went to uni lads kept coming up to me and asking if I had an old fella I thought this was odd and kept sayin yeah cos i though old fella meant your dad but apparently in yorkshire i means your boyf! All those men I turned down hey And i think i'll cancel my breast implant operation after readin your views on them!
  19. I dont know whats going on but theyre going to have to tell the fans soon cos it looks a bit suspicious to me. I mean if someones giving us all this money theyre going to want something back in return surely
  20. Hope you get better soon and I agree you do look like a bouncer!!
  21. I punch my trainer whilst hes wearin pads so he can tell how im punching
  22. Yeah but id never ever get into a fight with someone as long as I can punch for self defence then id run like hell
  23. Im not really doing it for the fighting element we have to wear big head and fask guards Im doing really so I know I can look after myself
  24. Yes I go boxing once a week ok admittedly its not mike tyson standards and I havent actually fought anyone yet but im getting there
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