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Posts posted by FloridaToffee

  1. If Mourinho walks through the door the entire mentality of the club would change overnight, he is a proven winner, top players want to play for him and I think the likes of a Stones and Lukaku would want to play for him

    If Moshiri is really going to be handing out a £100m transfer kitty we need to get the next managerial position right and bringing in a thoroughbred makes perfect sense to me

    Have to agree with this. Not really sold it will happen but you have to ask. If they really do have 100m to spend, I want someone who will make it worthwhile. But maybe I'm still cautious because of Martinez's transfer history

  2. In hindsight? Yes.


    But I would bet that even the doubters and naysayers (who were still looking at his past with Wigan) thought that 13-14 was a good first season, had been won over by him (or close), and we were only going to improve upon that position of fifth. Who saw last season coming? Not me. But a bunch of us saw this season coming, that's for sure.


    Definitely. And I was just kidding for sure because we were on a high that summer. But between Roberto and Klinsman (I'm a Yank) I would kill for a clean sheet draw at this point

  3. Cheers mate. I think they're great Matt. They have been pretty spot on as far as I'm concerned.


    I'm not posting them anymore though here because Mr. Mike said I wasn't contributing my own thoughts and just posting these videos, which I disagree with, but I don't want to upset the apple cart. Oh well.


    BTW, very good point about Martinez spending a bunch of time in Brazil for the World Cup, and we just went into 14-15 unprepared. I noticed from game one of that season that something was "off". I think that was the beginning of the end. Its been a LONG, LONG haul from that point until now. I remember during the Southampton match when they lost 3-0 that something was clearly wrong, and in a big way.


    He was actually pretty great with that ESPN coverage. Maybe should have just stayed there

  4. I'm bored of the whole saga now it's been rumbling on since the West Brom game. He wants to go, he's happy, he wants cl footy, next year he will be wearing the same shirt.


    Either sign a contract or fuck off . Not arsed either way anymore just want it sorting.


    Couldn't agree more. Just shut it one way or the other

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