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Posts posted by Kankurette

  1. Am I the only one who didn't hear 'for him'? I thought Jags said 'OK' to Barkley.


    Also, Jags is, from what I've heard from people who've met him, very nice and laid back. For him to snap like that means something really has gone wrong.


    ETA: markjazzbassist, what happened with Martinez and Ferguson? I know about Distin and Eto'o and figured there had been something up with Kev but this is a new one on me.


    Funny isn't it - in Barkley and Lukaku we have 2 of the biggest 22 year olds you will see in their position and they don't use their size anywhere near the way they should.


    Speaking to that fella last week - the players who were tough and strong - Bobby Collins, Morrisey, Giles, Stiles, they were small in comparison - goes to show the old adage not the size of the dog in the fight, its the fight in the dog.


    I did always think that Barkley reminded me of a pit bull. Albeit a rather stupid one.

  3. Good read but to be honest I did just go to the kitchen cupboard and get a bit of salt.


    I don't think you need inside info at any club to know a manager is on the brink when his side are in free fall ( as a Chelsea fan you should know). That's just part of the game so I could spread gossip like that every day,


    I will keep this post in mind though and might ( might ) owe you an apology if there does appear to be any truth behind your inside information ;-)


    I did think 'cool story bro' when I read it, but I honestly would not be surprised if Martinez's time was up. He certainly looks like someone who knows he's a goner.

  4. A guy on Reddit posted this. Don't know how true it is, but fingers crossed.


    Chelsea fan here, come in peace, I have a decent source here in London who tells me Martinez will be sacked at the end of the season and there are only three people on the short-list. (self.Everton)


    14 hours ago



    by RyRyLloyd

    • Lucien Favre.
    • Paul Clement.
    • Roberto Mancini.

    From what I was told, Favre is the favoured candidate as he's seen as not only a great coach, but a decent lad who'll get along with the squad. Everton board members find Clement to be one very good coach, and as for Manicni, he is "only considered an option".

    Edit; since I have been asked on DM from a few asking what other information I have, I'll spill some beans. Aside from the usual Stones being wanted by Chelsea, City, United and Barca rumours (which are true), Everton have begun listing-up their midfield targets, which are;

    • Lewis Cook.
    • Bernard of Shakhtar Donetsk.
    • Dennis Praet of Anderlecht.
    • Gokhan Tore (this is very unlikely to materialise.)

    And another one:


    Don't know about the links, as far as I know they're not yet in talks with any managers. Can confirm from an extremely reliable, (as in, as reliable as I'd put my mortgage on it) that there will be a board meeting week after end of season where RM will be told to walk. It was arranged weeks ago and my source, VERY high in the club, wanted it brought forward after wednesday but other board members thought it was rash with tomorrow being so close.

  5. No one likes Martinez? Our most hated manager? How do you know? Based on 'a dozen Martinez out' hash tags on twitter after a bad run? How many followers does the Everton feed have? I'm not a Twitter man, so you tell me? The Facebook page has 2.5million followers...you get a few hundred at most disgruntled people after a defeat. Anybody ever read the comments after a win? You get a few hundred happy people.


    He's underperforming at this moment in time. No doubt. If he carries on this trend he deserves the sack. And that's all he deserves...the sack.


    He doesn't deserve banners, rants, chants, hatred, walk outs, protests.


    The bloke has done good things for this club. Results on the pitch have gone sour, he may end up being a poor manager for us but he has done bloody good things behind the scenes at this club.


    And yes he is a nice bloke. So treat him like a nice bloke. Say thanks but no thanks. Don't treat him like an absolute twat while the real twats get treat with more respect. Does my nut in.


    And Chalkpie...This whole modern day feeling of 'entitlement' that we all have does my nut in too. Because we pay, we can act how we want. Bollocks. Respect and courtesy goes a long way. We've lost touch of what really matters and it pisses me off. I deal with it every day.


    If he gets sacked because he under delivers on the pitch, he gets sacked. Fair play. But stop with treating him like he's torn the club apart, like he's the devil in disguise. It's goes too far for me.


    Sorry to write all that...think I need to get in the gym and smash some numbers out!!!


    I'm only going on what I've seen on social media.

    - Every time there's a post on the official Everton Twitter feed, no matter whether Bob is in it or whether it's about the U21s, Stones and Clevs playing football with kids or offers on shirts, there will be a gazillion anti-Martinez tweets.

    - The same applies to Facebook.

    - The vast majority of posters on the Everton Reddit want him out. Every time we lose, there's at least 3 threads on there moaning about him.

    - The Watford banner.

    - Even the Echo have turned on him, and none of the comments on articles about him are positive.

    - The Martinez thread on GOT is over a thousand pages long and the vast majority of the comments are not positive. Toffeeweb is also very anti-Martinez and has been for a while.

    - I've seen a good few fans online saying he's worse than Mike fucking Walker.

    - Fans of other teams have said that Everton deserve better. Kopites included. Hammers and City fans absolutely despise him. Some of the comments about him I've seen from City fans are borderline racist.


    I don't hate Martinez as a person. Confession time: I did, I had violent intrusive thoughts about him after the West Ham game which I will not go into here, and I realised what I was thinking was wrong and got help for it, because at the end of the day, he isn't a monster, he is a human being with a wife and a little girl who would be very sad if he died, and wanting to harm a person for not managing a football club very well is...disproportionate, to say the least. I've not met him myself, though one of my Evertonian uncle's mates (John Shearon, if you're a Ruletero you might know him) is involved with the Ruleteros, has met Martinez and said he was lovely, and others have said the same. Some people on GOT have said he's actually a complete prick (it depends on whether you believe that Twitter post about the fan who spoke to him, or not), but who knows? I mean, I'd like to meet him cos he comes across as an interesting guy. But he does not cut it as a manager. And he isn't liked. Not by the fans and, it seems, not by the team either, which is just sad, frankly.


    And I'd never boo or harass Roberto. He's done some good things for the club, and there are worse managers. But he needs to go now. I've tried to support him for ages, but I'm at the end of my rope.

  6. Christ, we've won fuck all for 20 years. We've finished in mostly nothing positions for most of 25 years. Yes, he may end up taking us slightly backwards and will deserve to lose his job for that but he hasn't taken us from the summit of the table to mid table obscurity.


    He deserves some flack but he doesn't deserve banners, petitions, and protests!!!


    You think? No-one fucking likes Martinez! He's our most hated manager since Walker! Even the team seem to have turned on him. Yeah, we won nothing under Moyes, but at least we knew where we were with him. With Bob, we don't and it's like he's undone all Moyes' good work. I tried to defend him for ages, but it just isn't working.


    I'm sick to death of going on the Everton feed and seeing a dozen #MartinezOut tweets in response to everything they post. It won't do shit and neither will telling Oviedo or whoever to have a word with the manager.


    And yeah, I do believe he is, from everything I've heard from people who've met him, a genuinely nice bloke. He just makes me sad more than anything else. I think he's lying to himself now. He knows no-one's buying him.

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