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Everything posted by memmaclub2

  1. Other thing to bare in mind is who we have played in these run of games and who we are playing today
  2. DCL is not a loan striker. I am not a fan of him at all but we don't play a team that he can trhive in.
  3. What are the board seeing in Silva? I don't want to be the club that flips its manager every season but we aren't getting a top 4 manager we are getting a top 8 manager and then the system they play just eeks out a mid table season every year. since Bobby's good season. I suppose the question is do I feel the form/results will get better under silva enough to get top 6 or even top 4. Definitely not. Do I feel the board could attract anyone better. No. I think we are saying we want to be top 6 but we don't exhibit real ambition we don't buy players that as much as possible guarantee a perfomance. We need to buy a Luis Suarez or a Van Dyke a player who really can move us on. Zaha for me would have been a step in the right direction. We should have got vardy 2/3 years a go. We buy potential from abroad but no guarantees. We buy iwobi or walcott but I wonder why arsenal let them go.
  4. But also what doesn't change is players don't get dropped or subbed when they are playing shit. What is the manager seeing in Morgan Gylfi Digne DCL or Delph that he thinks that means they get back in the next week. If you go for a 2 x DM system but ship goals to the bottom half teams and don't score do you not think lets play one dm and give them more to worry about in attack.
  5. I'll be honest this feels like all the time with koeman/alladyce or Bobby M last few months.I am watching games expecting nothing and not even caring if we lose because I know it will be the same excuses same team talk and then silva will be let go after the rot continues. Since the 5th place with Bobby M every season feels like it peters out into nothing hoping to god next year will be better.
  6. if we were doing subs I would take the whole fucking team off a replace them with the youth team.
  7. If there is a worse game in the england today i would be amazed.
  8. Dyche team talk must include 2 dm's everton are scared of us.
  9. I am sure this game is going exactly as burnley predicted in training this week.
  10. irrelevant of who the manager is surely after this start you have to query whether the players and the system is working and change it he doesn't do either except rotate wingers and strikers
  11. My prediction is this will be a 1-1 or a 2-0 to burnley our problem is the opposition know what we are going to do. Man city play the same way most week because they know they are shit hot and have players who can break teams down more often than not and have enough amazing talent to be unpredictable. We have none of that but play the same side week in week out. They play De bruyne in the same position as delph but the output is so different.
  12. Burnley have tailored their approach to beat everton we never change the team just the ppl in the set up we are so predictable. They are happy to let us have 60% posession because we do FUCK ALL with it.
  13. SO please explain what Morgan and Delph offer that sets them apart they both pass sideways rarely tackle and rarely go beyond the man in front. so if the oposition know that they just need o man mark gylfi in the middle and load the flanks and we are easy to defend.
  14. we already are in our banal passing for the sake of it mode no penertration.
  15. I want to see from players that they can make a difference and in certain position the opposition are scared of them. Good example from current team is Pickford he can seriously make a difference and keeps us in games. Gylfi on his day (arguably not enough of them for his price tag) scores goals and can be the heartbeat of the team. Gomes, in glimpses, I can see him like arteta the odd dribble tries to play forward passes Richarlson/Iwobi they run at defences and score goals they scare defenders Digne Crosses are amazing and he scores goals as full back. (Same as baines and coleman from a few years back) On the flip side there are players where i literally don't see what they bring. DCL doesn't score doesn't bash defenders about doesn't get loads of assists. Scheilderlin doesn't control the game or through in loads of good tackles. bernard on my limited viewing of him doesn't create enough chances, the Keane and Mina are not dominant shouting types who control a defence. Jags, weir, all were war horses who talked our current defence don't. I love coleman for his past but we should be starting the french guy to see how good he is.
  16. Who buys DCL and for how much ???? I can't see a prem team falling over themselves.
  17. For his standards. Which standards has he played to higher than that.
  18. 100% we have played no one yet. I saw our fixture lists and was very confident. Villa & bournmouth are shite and we made them look top 6
  19. Still think this is about bad business in the summer. Some exciting signings on paper but you can't let Jags and Zouma go and not get in one replacement. We are sending Moise the wrong message for me. Stick him in and give him a run of games if after 15 games he doesn't score happy to drop him but DCL has had enough chances to prove he can evolve and it's not happening.
  20. I haven't seen it with bernard to be honest maybe its my lack of game understanding but don't see him create a whole lot.
  21. Are you kidding ?????? Thats was the guys 13th Goal in 83 appearances. I am all for giving youth a chance but he has had two season with 30+ games and his highest goal return is 6 out of 35 Games. When as a manager do you admit defeat.
  22. Morgan DCL Walcott Bernard all hanging round the first team and every time they step out they prove they shouldn't be.
  23. Marco picks the team DCL hasn't scored since March. Tell me another team fighting for top 6 who would pick a player with that record.
  24. Its not even the results that bother me it's the performances all the possession in the world means nothing we are shit at getting a decent shot away. Double that with our shocking defence and I see a mid table season with no improvement and I think the blame has to sit with silva with trying to sign big names rather than a very solid CB.
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