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Everything posted by memmaclub2

  1. DCL for all his running is not and never will be a top 14 striker. His finishing is not existent his dribbling is not existent he if he can't bring the ball down.
  2. You can't do all that business and come away from a transfer window with no competition at cb. DCL for me doesn't do what the media tells he does by bringing other players in etc. delph and scheilderlein and gylfi are too similar not mobile enough there is no running with the ball from midfield. I would bring gylfi back deeper as a playmaker and put iwobi behind the stiker to create stuff and run at players. bernard is not good enough i have never seen it with him.
  3. CDL can not hold the ball up and he can't score goals. Please tell me how a player with his lack of fundamental skills gets soooooooo much game time. We can't afford to be letting him learn his trade in the prem when he isn't progressing.
  4. I have to say the quality of the players we put out there is shocking Gomes is overrated on this I am not seeing what he bring to be first team only at the end when we needed a goal did he look the player I thought we bought. We played DCL again 9 games without a goal says it all they had wesley who came from fucking belgium and just looks like a prem player. I called last season for DCL to get the run of games he has had that now and id not a prem striker I would be surprised if he could get 10+ in the championship. I dont care who replaces him he shouldn't be in the squad.
  5. As much as I want him to be good in an everton shirt he hasn't produced enough in the time he has been given. I think everyone is focuing on a loan spell in germany for there perception of his quality.
  6. I haven't seen enough from lookman in the time he has had to make me think he is a first team player in our current squad but the same could be said of DCL Walcott.In all honesty I need to see a lot more from Bernard as he didn't score or assist enough for me keeping in mind his pedigree. I think a striker and a right sided winger are priorities this season
  7. I'd be interested when you got to the point of sacking with Fat Sam.... I never wanted him and I agree with other people the football looks nicer but the results are worse. If we don't win in the next 4 would you sack him then. If we don't win in the next 8 then?..... I am all for giving managers time if you see progress but where is the progress. If you judge him on his own performance he is going backwards he is worse now than at the start of the season. If you judge him on Alladyce (Considered to be our worse manager) he has worse results. When is enough enough for you. Just ran this analysis on our form since the Liverpool defeat Match day 14 to today and it puts us bottom 3 ahead of only Fulham and Huddersfield. Oh and by the way both clubs sacked their manager in that time. So since the liverpool defeat Silva has the worst record of any manager in the league who didn't get sacked. https://www.transfermarkt.co.uk/premier-league/formtabelle/wettbewerb/GB1?saison_id=2018&min=14&max=27
  8. I agree with the points of value for money on players BUT silva had a hand in the players that came in, in the summer and only digne has been close to what we needed. 6 players coming in can't all be given time to bed in at the prices we paid for them mean he can be blamed for that. Also its not about player buys but player performances which he is perfectly responsible for and not delivering and he can't affect a change in a run of form against any other clubs than teams we should be beating. You keep giving arguments based saying my negatives about him aren't correct but offer up no positives. PLease tell me some reasons why we should keep him as the best you came up with is its not his fault. I think the decline is a lot to do with the more mercinary nature of the players we bought in. I think i said in a post about the moyes era that the player he bought in had heart and played to the death. I don't think we have any or enough of those players now.
  9. 100% agree I think this sort of happened during or after martinez. I think its about the type of player we bring in moyes had some shockers but he bought a solid low budget core who fought aggressively for wins. you put cahill neville jags baines coleman. All players you could see wanted to die for the shirt. I don't see that anymore.
  10. Nogs interested your quoting me a lot happy to debate but make it relevant. Moyes had no budget and for large pasages of time and when he did he was shopping in the bargain bin. Somewhere around 17th was our level. Also I would say moyes had bought himself time with what he eeked out of players for the investment he made.
  11. Completely confused what you saw today that made you think they were behind the manager or not. I wasn't saying he had lost the dressing room more that the perfomances are similar in the lack of effectiveness. I don't want silva sacked because he has offended players but because he can't motivate a very expensive squad to perform enough to beat anyone half decent. Fat sam was a stop gap at a time when it seemed no one decent would touch the club. Silva was the man we chose after looking at what was out there taking our time to choose and his stats are worse than Fat Sam. I am genuinely interested in anyone who can give me a good reason NOT to sack him and giving him time is not a good reason.
  12. It's baffling that ppl will except a loss at watford as some sort of positive these players don't give a fuck they are just going through the motions. It's like the end of martinez just passing for the sake of it.
  13. I hated Fat Sam but his record was better than SIlvas by a decent margin. I compare the two to show how bad the guy is at managing a team with this amount of investment. I am past the giving people time he is not up to it and doesn't have the nouse to turn this around.
  14. I am going with the stats we have played ineffectively more than we haven't that is silva and how he uses the players and how he reacts to players not performing. I don;t give a fuck if we get rid of the manager again cause this guy is not right. No record to speak of in a decent league. His time at both hull and watford was the same as the time here started well and tailed off.
  15. some ppl see something I am not but I can say the same for gomes gana bernard who I don't rate at all but other ppl are seeing their value.
  16. Agreed not sure how ppl who watch him come to any other conclusion.
  17. we may pull off a win here but it will mask the massive problem of inconsistency
  18. I am a little surprised ppl thought walcott was going to be any different than he is. He flatters to deceive at the Gunners and for england. you will get 2 great games from him a season but you can't know which ones they will be.
  19. read a lot of the comments and watched highlights. I on balance think silva should go. the players are playing shite but he is putting them back out there. Changing tactics FINALLY against a man city side shows signs of a punt to nothing. He knows he is likely going to lose so he changes some tactics and it looks like a positive. Why wait so long to make the tactics change why not make it 5 games back when it was clear what he was doing wasn't working. Our only wins since the Liverpool (14 games ago) game have been against Huddersfield and burnley. (Oh and Lincoln). He had a January transfer window to do something about the striker and right back problem he did nothing. I don't rate Gana so I don't think keeping him was a master stroke. It looks to me like he can't motivate a team he can't set a team up to defend and he still picks favourites. Coleman should have been dropped ages ago, Gomes is arteta without the end product, gylfi is like le tissier with out the end product and mina looks like a cheap mans Keane. For all the excitement about him and Brands I have to wonder what they actually bring. Where is the scouting network where it shows they spent time looking at these players. Gomes wasn't getting in at Barca I can see why, Mina is a stereotype good world cup then 30 million spunked, even though Bernard was free he is not the player I expected. This is just koeman all over again. had a good spell at a lesser club and then we pick him up like he is mourinho. I don't know what the answer is we have been through enough managers since moyes to keep losing one every 6 months but whatever the answer it's Not Silva.
  20. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/teams/everton/top-scorers I stand by my previous quote of we should put DCL in every game he is finally scoring some goals and so as any striker if he is scorgin keep him in richarlison needs to be out wide.
  21. Lookman had a start a few games back and he was anonymous.
  22. I disagree with this lack of quality I think we have a dam dight more quality than we did last season. We have some decent players out on loan and we bought in 2 Brazilian internationals and 3 barcelona players. I think the truth is we haven't found our top 3 gears enough of the time. The players look like they have little confidence so they revert to the game plan Marco sent them out with which says keep the ball and play out from the back. When charly was playing well he was being unpredictable I think the players have stopped being risky.
  23. Marco silva needs time and we should give him a number of seasons unless we go months with out playing well. But as an Everton fan I can't see we have recovered since moyes left. We were consistent top 6 with him now we are consistent top 8. Bobby M's first season for me should have bought him more time (In hindsight). I want silva to suceeed but it's about progression. We can't turn up every other match we have to get a level of consistency.
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