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Everything posted by Sev

  1. Pfffff... not marked properly at all. Please don't do that again.
  2. Long throwes... hate them. You're footballers, damn it.
  3. You know. I think our midfield will once again be a complete lack of quality. And the midfield adds to the defence as well as the offence. I hope I'm very wrong.
  4. Baines not starting makes me really angry. Or did he pick up some sort of lighter injury?
  5. Well. Shit really. Poor performance from us. Loved the nerve we showed at the end of the match, but most of it was really really poor.
  6. Agreed, Matt. At least he shows more heart than certain other players.
  7. Arrrghhh damn it. That cross was a little to high.
  8. Goal by Siggy. Now... PRESSURE like there's no tomorrow
  9. It doesn't look promising for the rest of the season unless we can get some sort of stability. Changes are imperative, but only the right ones, hehe.
  10. You know, it's not that we're behind that angers me it's how easy it is to score against us and how ineffective we are up front. We really need some stability and this is not how it's done.
  11. Better and steadier stream here. Quality worse though http://www.sb2.live/2019/01/southampton-vs-everton-premier-league_51.html
  12. Fucking react, Silva. It clearly doesn't work.
  13. Totally give the ball away to much, damn it.
  14. Got a stream here, but not the best http://scienceandtechnology.xyz/2663/
  15. Not going to disagree with you there, but we clearly have issues both in the mid and back too.
  16. I'm sorry to say that there's quite a lot more to it, Matt.
  17. Poor Gomes. I wonder what have happened to him. He looked so good and promising ealier this season. Any?
  18. Where the hell did I say I wanted to bench Digne?
  19. Hm. I don't like this line-up much. Only thing I like is Bernard and Lookman playing in those positions. DCL should definitely be in and really... Baines deserves to play after his excellent play against Lincoln. Granted, it was not against a Premier League team, but still. Gana and Gomes. Well, if Gana hold his position and doesn't run all over the bloody place playing too many pointless passings then I'm sure Gomes might get a good game. Tough one to call because stability is not something the team possesses at this point. And Richarlison... stay on your damn feet, man. Well. Hopefully it will be a good game to watch and 3 points to us.
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