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Everything posted by Sev

  1. It will be quite hard to control the game, but well co-ordinated and fast counters could hurt Spurs. And therefore I value Walcott as an important player in this match. I just hope he does a better job than usual really.
  2. I think 20 mill. £ is quite an ok price outside UK. And I don't think Gana will be that hard to replace. The big question is of course who as Shukes said. But I'm sure Silva will come up with a decent solution for that position. That is if PSG really want him. A lot of rumours are going on these days.
  3. And I find it quite important that the club uses the young talents as much as possible without taking too many risks. They are, after all, the future.
  4. Well, me. Except that I'm now too fat and old Been watching Lars Bender for some years. I find him quite good, but there's always the question about fitting into another league and team, of course.
  5. I'm 100 % with Pete and Palfy when it comes to Gana. And I've clearly expressed my views on Gana earlier in this, at times, amusing thread. I had very high hopes for young Davies, but somehow he didn't evolve much. Quite opposite, I think. Shame indeed. Personally I'd love a Barry type... just a tad younger, hehe.
  6. A little more of... whatever. We could/should have got 1 point out of it. Basically the team performed well except for a few. And I'm not sure if Silva should have reacted earlier. Correction! He should have!
  7. Pickford was certainly the best buy, if you ask me. By kilom... eh miles.
  8. Very true. Though it didn't take much to make us more interesting than last season.
  9. Now for some wellthought and fast attacks. Gana out, Tosun in.
  10. Siggy scores on penalty. But Smalling is still on the pitch. Hmmm....
  11. Why the hell doesn't Silva use the bench! Like now is a very good time.
  12. Arghhh! I so wanted Coleman to score that. Would be so nice for us, but especially for him.
  13. Don't know about constantly. But yes, he could mark a good deal better.
  14. Come on, Silva. Now is the time to make some changes. Down two, we need something else.
  15. Shit! Not very professional of us. Poor Coleman. After his long injury he hasn't played that well.
  16. COYB! We can score a few. Smalling and Matic that has to tackle a lot has both a yellow card.
  17. Ah right. Yes, that's not the way to use it; will break up the game way to much. And we already have that with a lot of free kicks now-a-days.. really hate that.
  18. Fair enough. Though I think it works mostly fine in the German Bundesliga.
  19. I think DLC would be great as front man in a match like yes. And Richalison on the flank indeed.
  20. As I said, angles can fool everyone. Any know if VAR will come to the Premier League at some point?
  21. They use that in the Bundesliga (Germany) and to me it seems like a very nice thing without breaking the game up too much.
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