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Karma Cop

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Posts posted by Karma Cop

  1. He's technically not 23 anymore of course, but what's the deal with Luke Garbutt? The few games I've seen him play he stood out and thought his crossing was impressive. I know he didn't get loaned out to a squad and Sam wouldn't put him out over Martina which is about as damning a condemnation as can be on his status/form...has he come to the end of the line and destined for lower league football? Or can we see him back and making a contribution in an Everton team shirt someday towards the end of season (or making next year's roster?). 


  2. On 10/04/2018 at 23:37, rubecula said:

    What you must know is the river is the RIVER MERSEY  and Merseyside is the region.  Everton and Liverpool are on the same side of the river and only separated by Stanley Park.  the REDS may also be known as REDSHITES and the fans who call themselves Kopites are often known as GOBSHITES.

    PS The team on the other side of the River is Tranmere Rovers and they play at Prenton Park.

    Goodison is indeed old and sad to say a bit past it's best.  which is why so many folk want us to move and indeed why we actually need to move.  We  are still not sure when we will move in all fairness but it looks as though we will be going to the riverside and building in one of the docks near to Bootle.  (check  google maps for Bramley Moore Dock


    Clutch catch Rubecula, I'm actually glad you pointed that out to me so that 10 years down the road I didn't find out I'd had the geography all wrong. Like getting home and finding you had something caught in your teeth all meal but no one stepped up to tell ya. I've become hardcore about the team over the past five years, but being from across the pond am not all that familiar with the City/Region. This sets me on the right path. Cheers!

    BTW...what division/league do the Tranmere Rovers find themselves in? 

  3. As a fan from across the pond, I was curious if the locals were feeling just as jaded as I was about Sam from miles away. Turns out it doesn't matter where you are tuning in from, or your level/years of expertise on the game, it's a perpetually utterly disappointing approach to matchday. 

    I'm looking forward to a new appointment this summer, hopefully a real flip up, a bold tactician. Shame Tuchel has landed in Paris. Need someone who will embrace and bring the litany of youth players we have rising through the ranks to fruition. Brighter days ahead. 


  4. Love it, thanks for the true blue reception! 

    Oddly (and fittingly) as quickly as I came to love Everton, I came to loath the boys in red across the Merseyside River. So I'm a touch deflated as I sit down to write having seen the Reds close out Man City. I'm guessing we have much better (read worse) names for them then the Reds. 

    I'm from the East Coast of Canada, Halifax. Straight across the pond from England. I've actually been to England/United Kingdom way back and lived in Southern France for a year and a half (also a minor Nice fan, although it's hard to get too excited about anything coming out of Ligue 1). 

    I do need to surf through the posts, curious how fans feel about the final five games? If you're like me, perhaps a touch afraid to run the table as it may lend itself to Big Sam staying on. I like the guy, as long as he's someone else's manager. Like a character out of Snatch. So I'm a touch torn down the stretch rooting full out. Also like to see Funes Mori get a few minutes and Klassen (or have we just given up on seeing him?). 

    Also curious about the longevity of Goodison, I've come to greatly admire the fortress as if it was akin to the Roman Colisseum. I'd hate to die without ever having been at least once. It's still going to be Toffee Central for at least a few more years right? Or are they getting hot n' heavy on building something new. I hope not. 


  5. Hey Crazies,

    I really made the transition and launched myself from American Football to English Footy about five years ago. I was always feverish for our forlorn Canadian National team, and also played Footy up until High School (CDM mainly, knew how to work the engine room!...kind of like a McCarthy when I'd hit the pitch...or Besic lol). A number of random factors left me inclined to root for Everton, but what was so random has become a devoted five year following. I'm at the point no amount of money could buy me over to another team, even if I wanted to my heart would never make the transition. I've always been that way with other sports (when my Hockey team the Hartford Whalers relocated I could never like another and ultimately stopped watching Hockey all together). 

    Regardless I've been meaning and keen to find a civilized, energetic and devoted forum to our Toffees. I'm glad to have stumbled upon this one and look forward in my spare moments casually checking over some of the recent threads/discussion. Being from Canada, there's a lot of interest over here but for a variety of leagues and teams so I haven't found many local Evertonians (to be fair I haven't been in the pub or around the footy scene much since my son was born). 

    Speaking of which I'll go out on a picture of the little guy Tate with Everton props. Look forward to checking in now and then and tossing about my amateur thoughts on the state of team/players. 

    Until that time,





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