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Posts posted by Bluetrip

  1. I've seen West Ham play some lovely football and Spurs also. Moyes is happy for his back four to knock long ball after long ball. You hardly ever see the back four use the ball well. There is no control of possession in midfield and no shape to our play. Just because I don't like Moyes tactics doesn't mean I'm not a genuine supporter or red shite in disguise. I just like bang for my buck and I'm not getting it from him.


    I agree with you about our style of play its horrible to watch stubbs naysmith and hibbert knock it long all the time more often than not handing posession away and inviting pressure. I remember Moyes shortly after joining us saying he knew all about Evertons history and school of science and would be looking to bring the fans the kind of passing football that demands.


    It's a problem the England squad often suffer when things aren't going our way. Is it more of a domestic problem? The teams with more continental players seem to play a natural passing game although Moyes has to carry the can as it's nearly all his squad now. That said Moyes hasn't had the money to spend that Jol has at Spurs so you could argue he's doing what he can with the scraps on his table. I know West Ham did well last season but I think they will find it much tougher this year now teams now exactly what they're about.

  2. Chelsea 


    Michael Ballack free

    Khalid Boulahrouz (£6 million)

    Hilario (free)

    Salomon Kalou (undisc.)

    Jon Obi Mikel (£16million)

    Andriy Shevchenko (£30m)


    its getting beyond a joke. what are they going to do with all these players? jus a couple of weeks ago mourinho claimed that they werent spending anymore and theyve signed a couple since then.


    and cole still isnt settled.


    i tried to sell them vdm's dog as mascot, but they only offered a couple of mill so i sent it back.




    They aren't our competition so I couldn't give one. Whether you like it or not Shevchenko and Ballack coming to the Premiership when they had their pick from Spain and Italy does raise the leagues profile as a whole.


    It makes the rest of Europe sit up. Italy were the biggest spenders not so long ago, soon as you head any of their big clubs were after one of our leagues rising stars you knew they were off. Now these players want to stay and test themself against the best in the world in England. Not just that but players from Barcelona, Real Madrid, Juve, AC Milan all want to as well.


    If we can get into Europe this season it will all work for us when it comes to adding international quality to our squad. The fact its pissing the Shyte (god knows why they havent won the league since Rooney was in nappies) and Mancs off is a bonus

  3. Could be worse....you could support Bolton, where I have never seen a decent game of football.


    Bolton play a boring style but they grind out results and have been there or there abouts of a top 6 finish for the last few years. We are not going to be a top four side because Kenwright hasnt got the cash to invest. I see us on a par with the likes of Bolton and Blackburn fighting in the 6-10th place area. While I don't like the way we play I think it will see us pushing for a UEFA place come April.

  4. your missing the point. there is a chance faddy will deliver i know people are saying he wont but all im saying is that there is a chance. and my point is exactly that if he does do will you be prepared to eat your words.


    There's a chance we wont lose a game till Christmas as well, but on form it's highly unlikely. If he comes good I will be the first to admit I was wrong but hes had three seasons now to prove himself. One too many.

  5. He's 23.  Scored in 1 all draws against The Mancs and Chelsea, pretty important goals I wuld say and I think he will do well this season.


    Shame about the other 36 games in the season. His record so far is 3 goals in his 1st season 3 goals in his 2nd and 7 last year, thats in about 95 appearances if memory serves. How people can keep making excuses for him is a mystery to me.

  6. bollocks i wanted him to go


    aw well on the bright side, least he's committed, maybe he will improve, stranger things have happened, saying that might be more chance of a meteor destroying the planet


    Waste of 20k a week, hes shite now and will be at the end of the season when he fails to hit double figures once again. I would have prefered to sell him and get someone in the January transfer window. He brings nothing to the table and two screamers out of 30+ appearances isnt going to cut it. With any hope he'll be in the reserves with Anichebe 3rd choice.

  7. Coleman seems to be the obvious choice.

    But the media is thinking that Moyes and Southgate along with maybe Jewell could go this season as well.

    What do you lot think?


    I cant see Jewell being sacked this season. The same goes for Southgate, they'll be given time to prove themselves.


    Coleman will go first methinks. Not too complicated.


    I dont think Gibson and Kenwright will be sacking anyone this season or the season after. I'd go with Roeder or Pearce.

  8. Its £1.5Mil if he signs.


    1. Payable £10m immediately and £10m on 1 August 2005.


    2. Fees payable to Proactive Sports Management Limited in

    relation to both the acquisition of the player and negotiation of his personal

    terms. Of this sum, £1.0m is guaranteed, of which £0.5m is payable immediately

    and the balance over the following 5 years in equal instalments. The remaining

    £0.5m will be paid in 5 equal instalments over the duration of Rooney's contract

    provided he remains registered to MU at the due dates for payment.


    3. Contingent payments of up to £7.0m payable on the occurrence

    of the following events during the next 5 years:


    MU - European Champions League - Winners - £1.0m

    - Runners Up - £0.5m


    - FAPL - Winners - £0.5m

    - Runners Up - £0.25m


    - FA Cup - Winners - £0.15m


    Player signs an extension to his contract at MU - £1.5m


    Player earns 20 England caps in competitive games whilst

    an MU player - £0.5m


    Player earns a further 20 England caps in competitive

    games whilst an MU player - £0.5m


    Even if these events do not occur, Everton will receive £3.0m provided Rooney

    remains registered to MU until 30th June 2007. This sum will be payable in

    equal instalments of £1.0m on 1st August 2006, 2007 and 2008 if not already paid

    via the above incentives.


    4. If the player is transferred from MU then Everton will

    receive 25% of any excess sum over all amounts paid under this agreement.

  9. the name is stupid and will attract people to the film, its a smart way to advertise if you think of it like that, people will laugh saying "haha snakes on a plane what astupid title" but they will want to see the film with the stupid name, thats myview on it lol


    I saw an interview on TV about this yesterday. The film company were going to change the name to Pacific Air Flight 121 but Jackson insisted they keep it as Snakes on Planes cos of all the mass furore on the web pre release. They changed a line in the script for him as well where he says "That's it! I have had it with these motherfucking snakes on this motherfucking plane!".

  10. Most no doubt will know em already but heres a couple


    # Everton currently hold the record of the most number of appearances in the top flight of the English League - 103 years to the 2005/2006 season


    # Everton have not been relegated in 52 years. This is the second longest period, after Arsenal who have spent 77 years without relegation. Everton have only been relegated twice since the league's construction, and have only spent four seasons out of the top division. No other English team can claim a similar record.


    #one of the cast of Z Cars was an Everton fan who brought along other members of the cast to watch the game. The story goes that the players ran out to the Z Cars theme in their honour, and the tune has stuck ever since, apart from a brief, thoroughly unpopular period in the mid 1990s.

  11. "I hate to rely on a sports cliche," he also told evertonfc.com, "But I'm not looking to prove anything.

    "I think I have proven myself.


    He's got it all to prove imo, he's second in line behind Kasey Keller never mind 3rd choice for the mancs. he's not coming to Goodison for a holiday. His reputation is average or he would have been sold in the summer.

  12. Im not from Liverpool so it isnt my city. To be a plastic scouser I would actually want to be scouse, but I dont and Im not.


    To be clear, I can't see how you can support a team but hate the city and the people it's in. To me that is a plastic supporter.

  13. No, I dont.


    Well it was, talk about shitting on your own doorstep. Most scousers are proud of their city. I would expect it off a Manc but I've haven't heard an Everton supporter slagging off scousers like that. I thought the plastics all supported Liverpool.

  14. Why is that all scousers think people from the other side of the water want to be scousers? Fuckinhell id give anything not to be associated with Liverpool in any way, If I wanted to be a scouser id start saying my CK's like im pissed and have something stuck in my throat. Get over yourself.



    If you dont want to be associated with Liverpool why didn't you support Tranmere? Pretty insulting to make a statement like that don't you reckon?

  15. bluetrip iu make me laugh how old r u?? how was i controdicting myself mate i wasnt slagging him off u rem i was sayin emerton is better than him!! get ur facts rite!


    Judging by your txt speak older than you.

    at least kilbane has experiance at the international level.i no 1 of u will say so does neville bt he played lik once a blue moon and hes shite for england he got his chance against romaina i think or so 1 lik that came on gave away penalty and there went his england carrer.


    wtf neville is average.were do u sit at the matches mate cus ur seat ent in Goodison thats for sure!!.if neville that good y wasnt he in the england squad!not sayin thats its not easier to get in2 the australian squad but u no anyway emerton is quicker and neville didnt score a single goal last season so open ur eyes u fool!

    wtf bluetrip.maybe kilbane is not the worlds best player bt at least he gives 100% everytime he plays wats efc motto nuthin but the best is gd enough ye he ent thje best midfelider but hes gives HIS best and thats all Everton can ask for!


    See above, that's what's known as contradiction.

  16. wtf bluetrip.maybe kilbane is not the worlds best player bt at least he gives 100% everytime he plays wats efc motto nuthin but the best is gd enough ye he ent thje best midfelider but hes gives HIS best and thats all Everton can ask for!


    Ok lets get something straight Kilbane is crap, I'm not debating it. It's my own opinion which I have formed over the many many games I have seen him play. You were slagging Neville off in another thread 3 hours ago and there is a player who 'tries his hardest' every game equal to or more so than any other. So dont come that crap with me when you contradict yourself with a post only a couple of hours old.

  17. I try and stay away from the 'No one likes us sincerio' it sounds pathetic, it sounds like we feel sorry for ourselves... it sounds Millwall.


    I couldnt give a rat's rear end on who likes us and who doesnt, as long as me and my fellow fans get behind the team we support then thats all that matters to me :D


    Just my opinion.


    I dont think it's paranoia or green-eyed to acknowledge certain teams are given higher status in a journalistic world which is supposed to be impartial. It's there every day in the papers, not anti Everton but anyone outside the top four. In 04/05 writers would begrudgingly admit our chance of a Champions League place but quickly point out how we had no chance of holding on to it.


    Pathetic to me are the Manc and Shyte fans who argue Abramovich's money is ruining 'their' league when (despite that fact the majority have never even set foot in their repective stadiums) they would take a billionaire sugar daddy without blinking.

  18. Speaking to himself about Everton in general and something he said stuck in my mind. The press and the tv seem to have a downer on Everton and all Mac ever goes on about is how biased they all are, I thought it was just him talking crap, but ive noticed over the last 5 months or so there is a sort of truth to what he says.


    Any opinions?




    It's been there for a long time. Less so much with the London clubs getting all the attention like they used to with all the hacks on Fleet Street.


    Everton aren't a glamorous club, we dont have the over hyped, over paid prima donas playing for us. The OK and HELLO whores by enlarge are who make the back pages and are given time on MoTD wether they play well or not. I personally hate that breed of player. I'm happy to trade off less media coverage and bias for a team of players who put the team before their next big money move.

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