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Posts posted by Bluetrip

  1. He's a big pile of shyte, I can't believe people still say he has potential. At 23 he's been here three years and scored 10 goals, an average of 3.3 goals a season ffs. I was amazed Moyes didn't fook the waster off to Celtic when he the chance to recoop some of the lost wages he taken out of the club. Hopefully he'll be so far down the pecking order next season he won't be needed to warm the bench.

  2. Multi million pound companies whose customer sevice line puts you on hold for half your life due to lack of staff and then connects you to a call centre in India or Bulgaria. Following which you get to teach tme how to speak English but dont actually get any help with your own problem.


    Fat women who ask if certain clothes make them look fat...its not the clothes!


    People who spend hours trawling the web for shyte jokes and then forwarding it to everyone they know.


    Adverts that get 20 decibels louder than the program you were just watching.

  3. What a screamer from Horninho. Even with the Park End being built at the time which didnt help in the first half, it's one of the best atmospheres I've seen at a footy match. It wasn't till we were shooting towards the Gladwys Street in the second half we started to play. That was bigger than winning the league or European cup. Best and worst game of my life, it made the hair on the back of my neck stand up watching it again, thanks.

  4. dont need a right winger, weve got davis and osman who play der and VDM can play there aswell


    Do you mean Davies? He was shyte last season to put it mildly and his natural position is in the centre. Osman had an inconsistant season as well and VDM will be needed on the left (killler and Faddy no thanks). Midfield was a major problem

    for us last season as well as upfront. We need more players who can take people on.

  5. i love leading them on for a big fall  :)   i pretend im intrested start askin questions about what they are tryin to sell like "oh thats sounds alright, plz tell me how many you sold?" i ask questions like that untill the big ending.. "and how much is this?" .... "YOU MUST BE F*UCKIN JOKEIN IM NOT PAYIN THAT FOR THAT PIECE OF SH*T GO AND F*CK YASELF YA ROBBIN BAST*RDS"  :P   ;)


    Haha you evil fucker. I had one where a bloke said

    "yea I'll change my phone contract but its a company and theres 13 phones."

    So I take down all 13 numbers checking them into the system and finally 15 minutes later I take his postal address details for the new phones to be sent to...

    "postcode?" he says


    and starts laughing down the phone, I had to as well. I resigned about 2 weeks later.

  6. If you want to stop any unwanted calls register with the Telephone Preferance Service (TPS). Its free.


    Go here TPS Home Page


    Just click register on the left it only takes 30 seconds


    I used to be in telephone sales and it was the worst job I've ever had but it was the only thing going at the time and I needed the money. Sh1t pay, sh1t hours and being told to f*ck off 5 times a day, lovely. But if you are on the TPS marketing companies are not allowed to ring you.

  7. That by definition is what the press do, it's their Raison d'etre.


    Personally, I feel I can make up my own mind about a team or player, and don't need some half p*ssed hack to tell me what to think.






    Is it? What about professional journalism based on reality. I stopped buying a paper over the tournament because of the daily bullshit fantasy being peddled on the back pages. The worst part is you see people regurgitating this shyte they read down the pub, in forums etc.

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