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Everything posted by Blue4Ever

  1. I dont think there is a clause but thats just me, when we got fellaini not many people liked him on here to be fair so for there to be a multi million pound release clause in his contract when were not known for doing things like that anyway just seems like bullshit from the papers everton haggle over thousands why would our board name a leaving price when he was in the unkown apart from the 15 million pricetag. he might go but like ive said if were selling him because we need the money i think its a joke hope we sell someone else but i suppose people aren't just bidding for everyone at the moment.
  2. No it was the fact he said what he did, would gerrard have come out and said torres is avaliable for so and so million when chelsea were looking at him no, he would have said something like were hoping he wants to say he hasnt said nothing about wanting to leave or whatever but no just go and tell the world one of the best midfielders in the league is avaliable for 20 million maybe its just me but its seems one of the most random things to say to them cunts who will make a story out of nothing anyway you would have thought he had a bit more sense thats what im trying to say
  3. no suprise there, lost what respect i had for jags for even mentioning fellaini to the media when he should have been saying how amazed he was at getting called up for the joke of a season he had but no put a terrible valuation on our best player, im still not over this fellaini crap rather we didnt sign anyone and kept who we have but it doesnt work like that at everton lets show what a business we are and sell a player on for twice as much rather than build a better team wheres the football logic in that we can only go backwards with the people in charge.
  4. you ask any other fan of football and they will laugh at you both, say osmans worth 5 million then modric is worth 20 yes he might be overrated but he's still twice the player osman is and is twice the player downing is and he went for 20 so you can see why teams are over pricing players (except for us) if felli goes for 20 then thats just a discrace wouldnt sell him for 30 but going off topic a bit there. if we need to sell someone id much rather sell baines and maybe get evra 10 million at least were not short there and we could keep everyone else which is what we should be doing anyway.
  5. He can go to arsenal for ten million after that load of shite, why do we look so thick in terms of what our manager and players say to the media fellaini is about as important to us now as gerrard has been for liverpool for years, we have other players we can get rid of if not only that arteta wasnt replaced so that ten million will have went strait to the bank. ffs why do we crumble under the pressure of finding a few million for debt every year and look to sell our biggest assets to keep the banks happy its pisses me right off, same with pienaar instead of playing him what he wanted before spurs come in no we wait and try to get the player to take less money if no one is interested they would have had to give us alot more than 2 million or whatever it was, same with distin whos telling me he doesnt deserve a 2 year contract he's got a good few years in him yet we try and cover arselves thats no football club its just about money as everything is now.
  6. come on mate think before you type
  7. would love him next to fellaini in midfield just cant see moyes going in for him he should have payed the fee in the loan deal years ago but we were skint i suppose.
  8. wheres johnnys name should have been captain since january if you ask me but neville doesnt seem to be going anytime soon
  9. its no comparison your comparing an experienced winger who's played at a few good teams but isnt good enough now to come in and make a differance when we have a dreafull wage budget anyway to someone who's natural postion is fullback, he's alot younger and only cost us 60k and did make a differance when he first come in he had ashley cole in bits in the chelsea home game so he cant be as bad as u think, I did think coleman was better than he's been this year and im willing to admit that but to argue over such a shit past it player, who would want big money of course he would, and downing it shows how much you watch football if your sticking up for him because he was one of the worst signings this year and howard got as many as him probably assists to but im not sure on that. on the rightback thing richards has been by far the best and should be playing for england by the way dont no why they dont like him. not going to post in this again because I dont think ive ever agreed with you on anything on here anyway
  10. lets be honest as much as a love him hibbert is no world beater, petrov has never done a thing against him at goodison in years, what does that tell you and dont say its because hibbert is up there with the best in the country no its because petrovs overrated and he's a bolton bench player who isnt going to take us any higher up the league whats the point in paying him 40 50k a year spending how ever many million that amounts to when we need the first team improving to keep our best players. you mentioned downing was a centermidfielder in another topic quit while you still can because ive never heard anything so laughable even of the red shite fans themselves.
  11. will you just stop naming poor players come on there all far to old or will want high wages, not only that non of them would improve the squad bench players at best you must no by now we need better players not just players to fill the bench.
  12. i wasnt having a go just thought the same wasnt having a go mate doesnt matter now
  13. like steve said just read though pages of shite, heard baines come back onto the pitch with his kids at the last game when everyone had gone back down the tunnel wasnt there at this point (assuming he was saying goodbye) so I dont no how true it is but I would much rather baines went than johnny/fellani even if he is one of our best.
  14. No thanks another poor player added to the list of everton targets why cant we look across europe ffs instead of just great britain, if people think naismith is going to do what pienaar/fellaini has done around jelavic then they need there head testing.
  15. correct, there is a website dedicated to buying cahill stuff, he seems that bad towards image rights etc.. he wouldnt sign my brothers ball without putting my brothers name on it assuming he thought he would sell it but still no need imo
  16. haha you do have a point tho he said neville's still got alot to offer now come on has moyes been watching this season with a patch over one eye ffs ^^^ tim cahill is not worth 10-12 million dont no where that valuation come from he's worth proabably about 2 million lets be honest.
  17. i dont, even england have alot better options than him, he would probably be are 2nd striker after jelavic but no thanks old and slow and we could have pienaar back before signing him
  18. agree cant belive fans are taking it like felliani is going, if he does then i want a hole new board and new management because it can only go backwards selling them 2 for debt dont care if we dont have money what is the point in going back with the likes of sunderland villa etc..
  19. sounds a great pairing going for a top 8 finish our midfield is bad enough now that pienaar and drenthe are going never mind fellaini we really would fall apart and you can say goodbye to football on the floor every so often. great.
  20. exactly rather just not sign him tbh
  21. best rumour in ages that good on him if he does but cant see it
  22. I didnt mean it in a nasty way mate and yes i have been to them all except chelsea. He's played imo something like 1 in 7 games to a good enough standard to even be a starter never mind playing next to our best player just bugs me so much that he's seen as a midfielder by some people when he clearly isnt. hes out anyway by what everyone has said I want to see Ross in the middle with fellaini but I dont think moyes is going to do that. moyes team howard hibbert jags johnny distin osman neville fellaini cahill pienaar jelevic my team hibbert jags johnny distin barkley fellaini pienaar osman gueye jelevic we really dont have any wide players so i think the best 11 fit is that some may not agree but that team would go to wolves and take the game to them and probably come out with a comfortable victory.
  23. no he would be like half the other names in the rumour thread who wouldnt improve us whatsoever we are meant to be trying to push higher up the league if moyes wants to keep fellaini baines heitenga then go in for some decent proven players in europe there not always millions and millions i just dont think we have the scouting knowledge abroad it seeems. fed up of poor championship and lower premierleague players being linked with us for a club as known as us some of the players we are supposidly going in for are making the club look like a bolton/sunderland - these are poor clubs with half as much history as ours but we still seem to go in for the same sort of players.
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