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Posts posted by johnno

  1. According to wiki hes coming becuase of BK usual bullshit about being in the boys pen..http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marouane_Fellaini
    Dont read wiki - that page has been updated so many times tonight that it's mostly bull. It's ranged from being nicknamed "Stuart Barlow" to being paid 3 fig rolls and having to do the dishes. It's just not a credible source.
  2. For the love of all things blue, I'm saying (and absolutely hoping) 2 - and they have to be 2 good quality ones as well.


    One thing is for certain...after midnight tomorrow, whatever has happened, I am forgetting every second of the past 3 months' transfer saga and thinking about backing whatever we've got in the squad with all my energy. Let's be realistic here, we were never going to be in the fight for top 4 anyway. It's all about fighting for 5th place this season and I'm not ashamed to admit it. COME ON YOU BLUES!!!

  3. My Mrs thinks I'm constantly looking at porn. All these late nights over the last week or so wanting to check if we're going to sign anyone!

    She definitely thinks you're looking at porn now after that shout of "YES!" following the Castillo announcement. :lol:

  4. Kenwright has said he aint got enough money to compete with the BIG 4, yet there are 3 billionairres investing in the club, GREEN, LOWE, and the supremo whose name i cant recall.


    How can we be struggling with money?


    For a premiership club that has a very respected name and done resonably well in the past few years, there is surely something amiss here?


    If we aint got the money to compete, why on earth are we trying to sign players who want big money and the champions league, whilst depleting our already tiny squad, is beyond me. How many could we afford? 2, 3 or 4 maybe? At say, 15 million each, come on!!!! We need at least 6 players if were to play 50 games a season,


    Even if we did manage to sign top players, they want big money and we wont challenge for a few seasons, Meaning more debt


    Not to mention the countless cost of proving the validity of the new stadium plans


    In my opinion, Kenwright although he loves the club, ought to go now. AND PUT THE CLUB UP FOR SALE

    Boring. Have you not been reading the papers the past few weeks? Kenwright has been looking for an investor to buy the club from him for 4 years since he bought his majority. Nobody is interested...yet.


    Kenwright, woods and earl hold the majority of the club's shares and Sir Philip Green has absolutely nothing to do with the club except that he is Kenwright's mate, and lent him some money to buy the club off Peter Johnson....he does not own any shares and many times has publicly stated he has no interest in owning or financing a football club. Earl doesnt give a hoot about spending his hard-earned money on Everton but he's a damn sight better option than Gregg (or so we're led to believe ;-)). Also, can anybody tell me what exactly Jon Woods does?


    By the way...Do some research before you make a silly, childish rant like that.

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