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Posts posted by johnno

  1. If Moyes signs before midday tomorrow then I'll be a happy man.


    Everyone should chill out about the signings. In 2004 we had only made 2 signings at the start of the season - Bent and Cahill - back then two no-marks from Ipswich and Milwall. We lost Rooney, Unsworth, Radzinski and a whole host of others and what were we?...3rd at Christmas and 4th at the end of the season. Have a little faith.


    bring on saturday.

  2. On a side note, just in case we dont finish in the top 5, there's still a chance of UEFA cup qualification via the UEFA Fair Play league, of which england currently lies top (link). As things currently stand (link), we are 5th in the Premier League fair play table, behind ManU, Tottenham, Shite and Arsenal - who all have/are likely to qualify by other means. That would give the place to us.


    Something I found interesting about the points system (although I dont see it measured in the premier league fair play table):


    "Behaviour of the crowd: minimum 1 point, maximum 5 points

    Encouragement of teams by shouting, singing, etc. may have a positive influence on the atmosphere. The spectators are, however, expected to respect the opposing team and the referee. The should appreciate the performance of the opposition even if they emerge as the winners. The must in no way intimidate or frighten the opposing team, the referee, or opposing supporters. This item is applicable only if a substantial number of fans of the team concerned are present."

  3. They do have some that change between 3/4 advertisment but I think what Louis means is the type that you see at Old Trafford - the ones that are like TV screens.


    As for the adverts on the tiers, you can't beat the infamous "Climax Scaffolding Limited - Practicing Safe Access" on the bullens road stand. Although it would be very interesting to see an animated version of that on the new boards!

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