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Posts posted by Joe

  1. it was me who started the topic originaly after hearing it on radio city one evening. im a massive fan of his and after watching him in the world it convinced me that he could play at the top level.
    He can play left back but he is much more effective as a winger and that is where he plays on Mexico's national team. He gets down the side with ease and has a quality touch. I believe I read it from Jackelz but also read it on another website in December. According to wikipedia though lots of clubs are interested in. Atlas is asking for atleast 5 million Euros for him which is something we could probably offer. He would give us pace as a left winger.
  2. Joe, should we expect an american invasion now that TH has signed full time for us?
    No I don't think we will see that. If anything you would expect an American invasion to Fulham but as sad as it sounds people mainly follow either Arsenal, Man Utd, Liverpool or Chelsea here. There are some Fulham fans because of the Americans but nothing like the big 4. There weren't a lot of Man City fans when Reyna was on the squad either. I just think a lot of Americans are happy that Tim is getting first team football since he will be our number 1 but won't become Everton supporters because of it.
  3. I remember reading that Everton were interested in him during the January window. He is currently playing at Atlas in Mexico and I got the opportunity to watch him play against the U.S in the friendly last week. He plays left mid and was by far the best player on the pitch during the match. He has a lot of pace and got off a lot of good crosses. I doubt we will get him since the likes of Real Madrid and Inter are looking at him but it is worth checking out. Plus he is only 20. Who knows though maybe his game won't fit the Premiership but I was very impressed. This is the video that someone posted before...



  4. nuno is a decent defender when fit, prefer bridge over him and baines tho. but wouldn't mind baines here but bridge for me. wouldn't mind geremi either tbh
    I agree Nuno is nice to have and it's good we extended his contract but would much rather have Baines or Bridge. I hope Moyes will make a move for one of them in the summer
  5. When I started watching the Premiership I didn't have a favorite team. Hardly any of my friends or family follow football and I didn't want to become a supporter of the big 4. The more and more I watched, I noticed I was really starting to pull for Everton because of the way they played. I eventually started watching Everton every week they were on tv and if they weren't I would stream the games online. There is no better club in the world to support than Everton.

  6. Hi everyone my name is Joe and I am a huge Everton supporter. I am from California but going to school on the the U.S/ Canadian border. I currently do not know any other Everton supporter here in the states, since everyone seems to follow the big four, but plan on attending a game in August. It is nice to come to a place where I can discuss the club with other supporters. That is about it.



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