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Ian C

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Posts posted by Ian C

  1. so it's good then? none of my mates have got it surprisingly..will check it out on that report biggrin.png


    It's brilliant. Be warned though, it's not an all-guns-blazing shooter. It's quite possible to complete the entire game without firing a weapon once outside of the set-piece boss fights.

  2. How's this one?




    The graphics card is NVIDIA GeForce GTS450...is there an easy way to compare these...ie is that one comparable, better or worse than GeForce 7800/Radion X1800?


    Or do I just keep coming back here and asking the wisetongue.png ?


    Still just researching and gathering info....going to be a couple of months 'til I have the cashunsure.png .



    That's far, far, far better than the 2 cards you listed. They don't even make those cards anymore, mate! :P


    Very decent PC that, the processor is 2 years old but it was very high end when it was released and it's still very good value and it'll be as good as or better than anything you'd find in any laptop sub £1250!


    Check these benchmarks for the graphics card and the laptop:



    GPU: http://benchmarkreviews.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=416&Itemid=72

    CPU: http://www.cpubenchmark.net/cpu_lookup.php?cpu=Intel+Core2+Quad+Q8400+%40+2.66GHz



    Pretty good value that PC, from where I'm standing anyway. But with currency conversions/the fact I pay 35%+ more for parts in Ireland, you might get a better opinion on price from Avinalaff. But it'll certainly play nearly every game on the market at good settings at playable framerates.


    More than sufficient for a casual gamer.

  3. Not a new build but I've touched on this before....I need to get a new PC for Josh (was going to be a laptop but we've changed that) and it needs to be capable of a certain amount of gaming. Most specifically he wants to be able to run F1 which he bought on Steam a while back but hasn't been able to play without lag.


    The graphics requirement for that is GeForce 7800/Radion X1800 or above.


    So what should I be looking at....and where? Any ideas? Bearing in mind I need to save for this so the cheaper I can get it for the sooner he gets ittongue.png .


    With those requirements, anything built in the last 2-3 years would suit.


    This would work out to be very good value if you had a copy of Windows and a monitor already handy. It'll play all the latest games with pretty decent settings at a smooth framerate.

  4. I was once of the majority opinion that Irish people were a bit thick, but then I started talking to Ian and he showed me things I'd never seen before. Some of which I never want to see again, but that's another story.


    You'll see it again soon :lol:



    What is my opinion? And why is it a minority opinion?


    We both know where you stand, mate.

  5. I see that you clearly feel I have a minority opinion and maybe you speak for the majority maybe?


    Yep, the majority of the people used to think the world was flat.



    You do have a minority opinion and nowhere have I said that I speak for anybody.



    And that comment about the earth being flat was farcical and irrelevant. It's an association fallacy. The Earth being flat was a majority opinion, therefore all majority opinions are wrong.

  6. There's been alot of stuff to deal with of recent with our club, things I'm comfortable discussing with serious hairy arsed blues face to face.


    What I'm finding uncomfortable with this forum is people insulting one another and side taking. Clear brown nose side taking. Let's not all be bum chums eh boys?! Bit gross.


    May edit this in 8 hours hic!


    People with minority opinions made feel uncomfortable by the weight of the majority opinion? Shock horror :lol:


    So we sign him on a 2 yr contract and it doesnt work out we still get money for him, as it stands we get nothing. God knows why you keep bringing Vdm up, is this the only dutch player you know?


    Madrid couldn't sell him, and if it doesn't work out with us that'll be 5 seasons he hasn't performed, not 4. Clubs aren't f*cking stupid, we'd be stuck with him for 2 years.



    And you can fuck right off. Sick of you and your snidey posts. Seriously, head off to BlueKipper, NSNO or the BlueRoom where the rest of the WUMs post.


    So you prefer being someones advertisment then for free? Plays good for us and we get nothing at the end, think about what you write mate


    Oh fuck off, I'm thinking perfectly clearly about what I'm writing.


    We don't get nothing at the end. We get a season's worth of good performances out of the wages we're paying him. Exactly what we want out of a player.



    We paid Van Der Meyde about £8.5m for his 30 appearances, Drenthe has the danger of going that way as well. Unpopular with both management and the fans at his last 2 clubs.

  9. What I'd like to see:


    ---------------------------- Howard -----------------------------

    Coleman --------- Jagielka ------- Heitinga ------- Baines

    Barkley ----------- Fellaini -------- Osman -------- Drenthe

    ------------------------------- Cahill -----------------------------

    -------------------------------- Saha -----------------------------


    Subs: Mucha, Neville, Distin, Bilyaletdinov, Denis, Rodwell, Gueye


    What we'll probably see:


    -------------------------------- Howard ----------------------------------

    Neville ---------------- Jagielka ----- Distin -------------- Baines

    Coleman --------------- Fellaini ---- Heitinga ----------- Drenthe

    ----------------------------------- Cahill ------------------------------

    --------------------------------- Saha -------------------------------

  10. fuck off arteta, we made u what you are today, u have been shite for 2 years now, you have really angered me by asking for the move at 9pm on transfer deadline day. GRADE A WANKER AND I WILL BE BURNING MY SHIRT WITH YOUR NAME ON IF TRUE!



    Fuck off you absolute bellend. You're a fucking disgrace.

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