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Everything posted by EFC-Paul

  1. I know he would have never have started but with him being used he's obviously been looked at for cover Losing a lad that could be third choice to Martina (shudder) alters the pecking order for someone to come in
  2. Looks likely he'll be heading to Bolton which adds fuel to the Digne rumours
  3. One of the oddest noggins I've seen, looks like someone's glued one of the seven dwarfs head onto Ste Merchants body
  4. I agree with that Mike, not in his decision making but I always thought Bily could have been a very good player under say a Martinez type
  5. Just another Sky bet money spinner Throw the obvious and easy name out there see some coin come in knowing full well there's fuck all behind it and people will lap it up
  6. I think he'll play second fiddle I know his legs are going but he's still a great deputy, I don't think he'll ever leave the club tbh
  7. All done and dusted by the sounds of it £12.6m or £18m depending on which report you believe... Apparently be announced Monday/Tuesday so a week on Monday as its us
  8. I really hope it works out for him always seemed a proper professional and at another time under different circumstances we may have had a player on our hands
  9. Very good shout that tbh strange nobody has snapped the lad up I doubt he'd have been on a big wedge in Russia
  10. He's always very susceptible to a clanger he's practically a bigger version of Lovran Big clumsy cumbersome fucker
  11. Mina and Bensebaini for me or if we only bring in one CB hopefully it's Mina alongside Holgate Jags has been brilliant over the years but he's knocking on and doesn't have it in him for consecutive games imo and needs replacing sooner rather than later Keane as much as I thought and hoped he would come good looks a crock and Holgate has all the potential Stones did and more
  12. Squad player at best, we seriously have to get away from hording players like Besic and more specifically Kev who have the odd decent performance I know the lads not had the greatest of chances but that speaks volumes that multiple manager's haven't given him the time of day
  13. Rumours he's singing not that he "is" for the shite, it looks more like a typical agent drum up of interest in his player to me Either way he's a liability so I hope they do
  14. I'd be worried we could be walking into another Keane situation with Gibson he seems very similar to me bar being left footed It's one area we need to spend a decent sum on and bring in someone commanding and with a physical presence which Mina fits perfectly tbh
  15. Every city or town has it's good and bad spots It's such a subjective debate with a multitude of variables it's pointless even talking about it tbh It's far from as simple as saying well City and United attract (insert name) so why wouldn't they come to Everton on the same terms it's ridiculous
  16. Could well have gone like that Shukes but I'd have thought or liked to have thought that such things wouldn't be said by a well regarded manager Maybe see how it goes back at Everton and if you'd like to then we'd like you to join us etc by him saying such opens a can of worms people will question what he's said within the club so I doubt he'd say it light heartedly I really rate the lad always have and I'm far from jumping on him I just want every player to want to be here otherwise they can get fucked and I have a feeling the lads seen his arse Hopefully that isn'tt the case and he's changed his mind if he did want to leave but I don't think the lads entitled to walk into the first team he needs to knuckle down and put the graft in
  17. I know he didn't say it directly mate as I said in the previous one I can't see a manager saying it if he hadn't said so to him Either way I want the lad to stay but not if he's not willing to prove his worth
  18. I didn't put a time frame on it Nogs said he hasn't indicated he would/could leave which he has, he could well have changed his mind but it still doesn't bode well if he's saying that during a brief loan spell without even pricing his worth here yet If the lad wants to play he needs to prove he's capable of consistent performances, I want the lad to stay he's a very good talent so hopefully Silva has bent his ear and told him how it is
  19. Can't see a manager saying the following if there's no truth in it "We're still in talks over Ademola Lookman," Rangnick is quoted as saying. "We want him back and he wants to come."
  20. Love the lads attitude and ethic but personally I don't think he's good enough for our level His concentration slips and wonders out of position to much, he doesn't have the mental discipline imo and ability wise he's a notch below what we should be aiming for imo
  21. Tinted glasses have to be taken off when talking about lads that have sweet fa affiliation or passion towards the club
  22. Let's face it moving from Barca to Everton is a big step backwards to a relatively young an good player/s It could all just be the media miss construing his words etc I know I'll be absolutely made up to have both Mina and Digne here along with Richarlison
  23. With already playing for two of the "big boys" I can't see anyone coming in that will turn the lads head Pretty confident this lad will be tied up soon
  24. Might well be mate but I'm purely talking footballing ability
  25. I'd be very happy with Mina or Ramy Bensebaini tbh who looks more of a ball playing CB preferably both!
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