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Posts posted by chris1eng

  1. I can't believe I'm hunting around for info every server to do with Everton is jammed!!! I have had enough its been a long day, going to play a bit of Wii Fifa online. Hope Kenwright is proud of himself, its obvious to see why Wyness jumped ship, who would want to be held accountable for the dross we have been served all summer?


    I know I will sleep easy, but I know one thing Bill Kenwright your fooked!!!


    Enjoy the pain tonight boys, I give up :(

    Never ever give up, Smith might arrive yet :lol:

  2. when? ive been watchin it for half hour and not seen anythin abuot him, only obinna saha and hunt


    It was about 40 mins ago, some guy was going through all of todays possibles, he mentioned hunt going for 5 mill and then he said everton are close to completing the deal for fellani. At the moment i'd stake a bet on this guy rather than moutinho

  3. Its not really a 2nd chance, he has got to be on 10 by now. Thing is if he sorted his life out he could be our Gerrard, does he have it in him to stop being a total de-generate?


    I would have him, if Moyes could curb his temprement, can't see that ever happening and what an insult to the young Everton fan he slapped in Asia, and bearing his bare arse to us!!!! If you want a fight Joey I will gladly take you to the back of Goodison and knock your teeth out!



    if you decide the sell tickets to this show then please let me know,i'll have one. This guy is a prick, i mean he needs his bitch cousin to help him slap a 17 year old boy about. He shoud never be allowed on a football pitch again

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