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Posts posted by Willo

  1. Myself being a sad person and used to watch WWE wrestling when I was a kid and still do sometimes if nothing on was trying to work out why The Skunks come out to the music of Kurt Angle.


    His theme normally has the crowd chanting 'YOU SUCK' in time to it.


    Just thought it was funny having a song for the skunks the most people who know wrestling will think of YOU SUCK.



    I hate the barcodes and always have since i went to St' James and their tattoe'd toothless baldy fat bare chested tp55pot teeth missing supporters ( and that was just the women ) chucked allsorts at us .


    Scumbags the lot of them and cant wait to see them go down . :angry:

  2. Sorry but ive said this from the moment we signed him total waste of money

    Not a question of calling our own players,you simply cant polish a turd and davies along with VDM and BT are elephant sized turds



    Normally agree with you fozz mate but i thort Davies would be a great signing and just what we needed at the time .


    Fact is he hasn't lived up to my expectations and think he's a real let down .


    I normally dont knock players that give it 110% like Pembo and Unsworth ( in the past ) and Davies will always give us that but he's rapidly losing the abilty to play decent football and as pointed out yesterday he was a waste of a jersey cos he could do no right .

  3. Yeh twas a cr@p error but we should still have won , but how many times has Yobo saved us with fantastic performances so u can afford the lad a rare error .


    Valente is the most competant left back we've had at the club since Hinchcliffe so i'll gov hime a break too .


    ON football manager 2007 i would sympathise with them after yesterday .

  4. 2000 and still counting .


    Had a few probs along the way i.e TT not letting me on or being kidnapped by the ladyboys but stuck it out and have hit the momentus mark of 2000 .


    Long live TT long live TT long live TT long live the ladyboys ( oops ) hahahahah :lol:

  5. I thort we were the better side and DM cant be blaimed for what happened yesterday , seems to me we play like England or the RS when we score first and try to sit on it when we should murder the circus and go for the juggler hahaha :lol:

  6. I beleive zed and i are x-mas cohorts but i'd like to also know everyones top 5 xmas hates .............



    1. MY mums normally superb xmas dinners incorparating duck instead of turkey ( fatty grizzle slime meat ) and trying to say through a mouthfull of fat '' oohhh that duck is lovely '' .


    2. The once a year drinkers that clog up the bar on xmas eve , the bar-stewards never drink all year round but still get in you're way at the local when you're trying to top up .


    3. The xmas fixture pile up with the Blues , we always seem to have players fooked at xmas and put out a threadbare squad each year ( god help us with AVDM on the sherrry ) .


    4. Some proper g@y boyband with a none xmas song getting to number one ahead of legitimate good/great songs all about xmas being put to one side . ( i.e from a few xmas's ago east 17 beating mariah careys '' all i want for xmas '' when her song was clearly better )


    5. RS saying we can still win the league this year even though they are a good 20 points off the pack ( as per usual ) and claiming that the new year will bring them honours . W@ankers !!!!!!!!!!!!



    Sorry for my scroogish outlook on things but there are always pro's n cons to every season .


    Let me know you're top 5 peeps !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



    Oh and here's another , trying to look pleased when you're mum n dad buy you socks :lol:

  7. Normally quite reserved with my predictions but had a fair few now so gonna just come out n say it ..........................




    We're gonna throw precaution to tha wind and feck em all over the show !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :P



    AND WE'LL HANG THE BA5TARDS ONE BY ONE ON THE BAKNS ...................................... etc etc

  8. Fook me , my TT has been up and down more times than a brides knickers on her wedding night of late but glad its finally re-appeared .


    Was something to do with this internet crash thing because so many dirty bar-stewards were trying to download the new '' Brittany Spears X rated '' clip was it ????????????? :lol:

  9. 1. My mums xmas dinners , fookin unbeatable .


    2. All the xmas nights out with work , always a scream .


    3. The Pogues - Fairytail of New York .


    4. See-ing all the family i hardly see much these days .


    5. Paid time off from the hell-hole i call work .

  10. Customer services as part of an integrated business organisation at the forefront of the catologue business industry .


    Or in otherwords that sh!thole known as Littlewoods ( or optimum contact solutions in its posh name ) in Crosby .


    Be 10 years on 17th of Feb and i'am disgusted with myself that with my severe hatred of the job i've been there that long , looking to move to pastures new in the new year .

  11. anyone see it last night? i thought it was alright but not as good as i thought it would be.



    I set the DVD to record it while is was watching Lord of the Rings but soft ar5e here taped bbc one onstead of sky one . :angry:


    Think its repeated on Wednesday night tho so i wont be making the same mistake again .

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