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Posts posted by Willo

  1. i really get the feeling this is going to be funding by other people. IE kirby giving us the land. Tescos, maybe a casion, and Planet hollywood. Meaning we would only have to find minimal funds. Think this is good and bad. Good we wont get in over our heads regarding debt again. Bad we will have to have other companies saying how we have it built and run. I just hope we go big. ie atleast a 60,000. even if we cant fill it, means we can attract england games etc.



    You can say that again , boom boom !!!!!!!!! :D


    Agree with fozz , where the fook is all the money coming from ???????????????


    Cant see this getting off the ground whilst bungling bill is in charge !!!!!!!! :angry:

  2. id play fadders at left wing, always seen him as sort of a winger who could cut in and either cross or have a go, lets not forget henry was a left winger before he came to arsenal :o



    A dont think Faddy is pacey enough to play the wing , think he's much more suited to playing the forward role but dont get me wrtong think the lad has got an abundance of skill its just that he seems to get caught too easily by defenders once he's beaten them .

  3. Cant wait to see it especially after the comments on this topic .


    Nice to hear that bond has gone a little darker and more violent , always thought that would make for a better Bond movie and i also hear he's a bit of a ba5tard in it , just as ian Fleming originally made him in the books .

  4. Well for once i can see us getting a resounding 3-0 win !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Ossie the first and 2 from Aj .


    Not normally confident in these types of games but fancy the Blues to put on a show tomorrow with everyone writing us off ............... :)

  5. Not strictly a transfer rumour but a rumour all the same .


    My mate si who used to work at the training ground was speaking to one of the guys he used to work with yesterday and was told that in some posh pub in Formby Duncan Ferguson got liad out by one of his mates .


    Apparently , he walked into the pub confronted Fergie than decked him and walked away shouting '' You know what thats for '' .


    Probably a load of sh!T but has the Goodison legend been playing away from home with another mans wife or something .


    Anyone heard anything similar cos i know these things can be like chinese whispers ?

  6. MY word this is a hot topic !!!!!!!



    I stand by the view that the club is moving forward slowly but surely and that DM is doing a good job with the limited resources BK deals out from time to time .


    I like to look at how Charlton have performed this season as a measure of how all the Moyes knockers would react if he were to resign / be sacked because people believe we are not progressing .


    Due to Charlton's recent success under Alan Curbishley ( promotion and then stability in the premiership ) the fans started to target un-realistic goals for a club of their stature i.e European qualification every year or even dared to think about CL qualification .


    By Curbishleys own admission the fans un-realistic expectations made up his own mind to walk away from the club and head for pastures new but if you ask those same Charlton fans today wether they would be happy with mid table obscurty again or staring down the barrell of the championship i think we can all guess what they would choose .


    Whilst we are a club of much greater stature and history than Charlton we can't expect the club to turn a corner overnight and be in the top 4 year after year just because we achieved it once before .


    Years of mis-management at the highest level , the Johnson era before and now the BK one , have set the club back years and it will take time to right the wrongs of the past .


    People say the financial situation is improving but would it even be looking half as rosy as it is now had it not be for the fact we un-earthed a rare gem in shrek ( who was sold at well below market value by bungling Bill ) .


    Unless you have a millionaire benefactor these days you cannot expevt success overnight , looking at Leeds even with lots of money you cannot be guarenteed succes full stop .


    We are not gonna get a millionaire benefactor whilst BK is in charge because he is unwilling to step aside and no-one wants to invest unless he does step aside .


    SO we have to be patient and stay behind DM because whislt things i believe are not right behind the scenes i firmly believe that on the pitch things are improving and heading in the right direction .


    SO lets pack out Goodison tomorrow afternoon and sing our hearts out for the boys in Blue , anyone leaving the ground with a voice should be shot on site . :)



  7. I'Am a massive fan of the national side ( second only to the mighty Blues ) and glad to see some Everton players getting the recognition they deserve .


    Seems Mclaren is willing to give a few players a chance on merit and not just because they are a star name or play for one of the big 3 .


    As wellas Pedro Crouchinho has done for England he clearly cannot play up front with Rooney as his lack of mobility hinders Rooneys game .


    I think Johnson will make the perfect foil for Rooney in the England white , a little like when Rooney and Owen played together in Euro 2004 and looked dangerous as fook .


    God save our gracious queen ............... blah blah blah !!!!!!!!! :D

  8. I think alot of people have very short memories .


    I mean if you asked most of the knockers at the start of the season wether they would be happy 12 games in to see the Blues in 7th , above the RS ( all be it on goal diff ) and only 4 points behind Arsenal in 3rd then i think most would have taken that .


    I think after the great start we have lost alot of momentum but 3 consecutive 1-0 defeats could very easily have been 3 one nil wins .


    The loss of Cahill is a big blow but i think midfield is one of our strongest area's and we should have enough cover to see us good .


    Things are not bleak in the slightest and if i here any talk of '' Moyes out '' from any so called Evertonian i have the misfortune to meet then i will publically berate them . :angry:

  9. here we go ... dear god...


    arteta was absolutely bollocks, he's been terrible this season am really worried abotu his commitment, he's too much of a faggot


    davies .... what a disgrace he was 1st half, much better secodn looked much more comofrtable and half decent


    aj... no confidence, was awful second half


    carsley ... we need to get shut, he jsut kicks players and now hes kickign our own? sack him


    neville ... well if he isn't 1 of the msot overrate worst players i've ever seen then i'm gonna start to question whether or not my hands real ... he is fucking awful ... why he has to put balls in the box aimed at aj when he has 10 yards infront of him is beyond me...his distribution is awful.... also has does he know how to crosss the ball, a chip doesn't coutn and someone needs to let him know they don't work either


    beattie ...get that tit sold


    osman ... not good enough for this league


    howard ... not bad, pretty decent


    and finally, saved the best for last.... mr lescott ... fan-fucking-tastic ... what a player he was sensational, different class in our team, he was agaisnt a ridiuculously quick agbonlahor and matched him all game ...(the goal was a combiantion of davies' and stubbs' fault)



    There's bein pi55ed off and there is bein seriously pi55ed off !!!!!!!!!!!!


    You are either RS or the latter mate !!!!!!!!!!!! :P

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