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Posts posted by xsaint

  1. Half Time Comments........


    Common, give kilbane a break!The first tackle does not deserve a yellow and we all knew that....and the second? yes its the yellow, but kilbane was the only one chasing the spurs player down.And their rightback Lee should also deserve an oscar award.Seems as usual this refree has played us out.Then again we still have 45 minutes to fight for.....

  2. I was a bit worried.It seems Johnson and Bt have not formed a good partnership yet and they do not seems to be scorring that many throught the pre-season matches except archie boy....On the other hand,the defence with lescott seems to be conceding far too many goals....When u cant score and yet u concede too many sounds trouble for Everton FC.what are your views folks?

  3. Anichebe's goal was well taken....


    But if i am remembering right, we have let in goals in all our pre season games.Suddently it seems our defence is much worst than last year...if this is true,we are in for a hard time when the season kicks off as i have not seen BT and Johnson scoring lotts of goals yet.... Few Goal+Plenty of let in = Struggle!! I hope i am proven wrong...please do...

  4. I personaly think that we need to be looking for a Player who is similar to Arteta who can create goals. Yeh agree with you, Cahill needs to up his game aswell i fee, Davies, VDM and even Carsley.




    Yep could not agree more....That is what i was hoping for too.Another attacking player who has the skills of Arteta....

  5. Tell him that all his cartoon characters are secret Everton supporters. Tell him even transformers have a Everton fan club in ultraspace.....or u may try telling him,his teacher might give him lesser homework cause he is an Evertonian!

  6. If he was any good he would have been here by now,work permit or no



    Maybe u can be right....but at the same time the memory of the Nigerian player(what was his name anyway? forgot) who was on work permit comes to mind.If he choses not to play we are stuck with him till end of his contract and not easy to discard!

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