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Posts posted by xsaint

  1. Thank you for the memories that will live with us...

    Thank you for the deidcation to Everton FC......

    Thank you for the standard you made...

    Thank you for being an Evertonian....

    Thank you for making the next generation follow your steps....


    You will be sadly missed

    RIP and may god bless you..ameen

  2. Common, give that lad some credit.How many many players had said some nice things of our club over last few years?.Some "very good" players from from our club packed their bags and left once the bank vult was open on the other side.Slogans like "Once a blue, always a blue" was forgotton when $$ covered his eyes.Here we have a lad who said nice things about us in public.Yes we all know he is not a world beater! but he did his job.Recall the one man show he did the whole season and he was more effective than BT.Maybe he was least bothered the following season and he was not effective.Maybe he was told that BT will always be a first choice and that could have hit his confidence hard.S,o he has his positives and negatives, but what matters most here was, he respect Everton and its fans.Any sensible fan would likewise respect him,Gratitute plays a big part,,,,,



  3. From the corner of my darkness


    I can see a glimpse of light.


    A beam of hope begins to feed


    ~my hungered freedom~


    Freedom from the broken spirit


    that haunts me.


    Struggling to escape from my bondage


    ~yearning to soar again~


    I open my eyes wide~~


    allowing every glorious ray


    to consume me.


    My heart strengthens by the intensity


    and my spirit is reborn~


    ~~~ I am back ~~~


    And you will be back stronger little one....


    God Bless

  4. Hey guys relax,,,,, i actually like Crouchinho in here.He is entertaining us like a clown for this attention seeker has no place to go...hahahaha


    Well the goals we valid...nice goals....but i was saying the ref spoilt the game and the luck to have a first own goal inspired the red shit!

  5. The fucking ref fell to the moans of the red shits and its supporters!!! he is a prick! he just spoilt the entire game!!! Hahaha seems like the red shits are going for OSCAR this year!!


    On the other hand, we missed arteta too much in this game.We need more players like arteta in the squad.


    VDM elbow?? red card? joker u assshold ref!!


    I am still proud to be a blue!!!




  6. G14 ??? An organisation? Looks more like a synicate group. Now it is very much clear that the red shit could have predetermined the results of previous Europen cup and thats why they are made champions?


    Business sense : If the champion league cup could be kept within the G14 clubs then i am sure they will see more publicty and definitly more revenues for the clubs around the world.


    So what if two G14 clubs meet in the final? well you can always determine within the G14 and decide who should win the cup.Maybe on rotational basis? Maybe now i see how and why AC Milan chose to loose the game which they were leading 3-0 at half time! Phew! a real life cinema show!


    If evertonFC was part of this synicate group (no thank you, not at all....we are real men with balls to play balls!) i am sure we could have seen the cup in Goodison soil once at least the last 20 years!


    What you rekon?

  7. *****************PREDICTIONS!!!!!!!!******************


    We will win 1-2 but i am gearing to see one of our player being sent of in the second half!


    Reshits are gonna loose this!!



    º WE WIN ! º


    º 1-2 º



    In A Country Filled With Red Shits, I Am The Rare Blue Diamond

  8. Just watched beatie's goal againts B'burn.fantastic goal and i heard a legitimate goal score by us was disallowed as well!! sigh!! go Everton go!!


    Turner deserve to be send off by the rule book.Was miscommunication between stubbs and Turner...


    BT goal is fantastic!!!

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