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Everything posted by mrfen

  1. It seems nearly every striker we've had in the last 10 years has had a great first 6 months for us. Then nothing, and nearly every striker who we've bought has been the 'one'. On previous performances Lukkaku has great potential. He's young and we could do a lot worst then 15/20 mil on him. So new manager, new style why not get someone who's gonna play for us for the next 5 years and other strkers and attacking midfielders play with/ for if he can get us 20 goals a season. But clearly he has to really push us over the line this season now. Prove his quality.
  2. Thank god for that, should have known as it was a Daily Mail rumour!
  3. Just saw this on SSN and I think this would ruin any excitement I had after the Mirallas deal. I can't see any advantage in having him here. He's hardly played in the last couple of years and I truly think he's happy to sit on the bench and collect a wage before he pops home to ride his horses Thats not what the fans want or what Moyes needs on our wage bill. Ok maybe it would be useful to get Vellios out on loan to get some 90 minutes under him and could come back a more fully formed striker, because there is definitely something there, but thats looking on the extreme bright side
  4. Well whatever happens he won't be coming here. He's clearly after a big pay day. I can't really imagine what could have happend that's so bad he refuses to play. It majorly back fired on Tevez last season and in the end he came back with his tail between his legs looking daft. Very poor decision making by Dempsey
  5. http://www.sport-fm.gr/article/573544 It's in Greek so you'll have to translate it in google chrome...
  6. I have to say that I agree with you Avinalaff. Mirallas looks good but also could be a massive flop, as of all ready mentioned 'time on the ball' and a bit of terrible defending in the clips. Saying that he is an addition that could be handy for us in the tough run in's, and if he turns out as goods he looks then even better! 6mil (or whatever) isn't exactly breaking the bank (well maybe our bank) but he's 24 and will have some sort of sell on value. I would rather Ioannis Fetfatzidis though, he looks amazing!!
  7. Been informed today by a man city fan that they have placed a bid for lescott. around 8 mill and Jo and APPARENTLY everton are thinking about it. this is the noise around one of the forums, not sure which one. I dont really see this happening id much rather keep lescott over nearly every other player. he hasnt looked his best this year but when your standing next to jags and the season he's had ANYONE wouldnt look as good. Hopefully when Jags is fit again they will have the chance to carry on there trophy winning partnership.
  8. I dont know much about Stephane Mbia, but what i do know (if the rumours were true) is that he had a clear opportunity to come to us last summer. What it appears he was doing was holding out for arsenal, and again they have been mentioned in the same breath. Id love to see him in a blue shirt as he seems like a great asset but like im sure most of the fans on here do not want a player who doesnt want to be here, or thinks he's to good for the club. there is no reason after our last three season that we shouldnt (as long as we can afford them) be looking at the same players as the top four!
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