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Posts posted by jcrawfor

  1. Coleman will not be starting any important league games until he gets better defensively Moyes sacks up and takes a risk.

    It may well be a ploy to use him late in games on the right in an advanced position. Saturday, will see a cautious approach from Moyes ending in a stalemate or a 1-0 reverse. :(


    On the other, large hand, he will throw caution to the wind, play attacking football from the off and reap the dividends with a 3-1 victory. :D


    I think I shall side with the latter. ;) [/Quote]


    You were almost right Beard.


    No way. If we're not going to play a recognized striker it would be better to play Rodwell up front. We don't need two players up top who can only score with their heads. If we're not playing a striker then something like this could do quite well.



    Neville Jags Distin Baines


    Coleman Arteta Pienaar




    Mucha, Beckford, Gueye, Heitinga, Bily, Osman, Hibbert


    With Rodwell just off Cahill and Beckford ready to come on at the half if things aren't clicking. No reason to force Fellaini up top when it is clear his best position is holding mid. And Rodwell can shoot!


    Would still prefer to see Becks get the nod as he scored against them in the FA and may be keen to prove it wasn't a fluke!

  3. For most of the game yes, but we lost our way for a little while after we got the second.


    This always happens. Every time we open a 2 goal lead the squad sits back and has a drink, even if there is half an hour left in the match. If we're going to be successful this year that bullshit has to stop.

  4. Got to see Coleman on the starting sheet for this one, especially as Neville is a doubt. Moyes needs to give the kid his shot, he's more than proved himself and his desire. Heitinga also has to start. Saha needs to be benched, he's lost his crown in my eyes. I hope Moyes brings the match to Wolves from the get go and plays something like this.



    Coleman Jags Heitinga Baines


    Bily Arteta Pienaar


  5. That looks a quality line-up BUT you cannot leave Tim out IMO. His goals have proven so valuable to us over time and he puts 110% in every game. He loves the club and will chase, battle and scrap for every ball just to see us do well. Surely you cannot take him out an established player who regularly scores for a player with no premier league experience (Izmailov). I would swap Izmailov for Tim and then move Mikel to were you put Izmailov, coleman can bomb up the wing allowing Mikel to drift in as he naturally does and pull the strings.


    I would leave TC out. He's easily the hardest worker and knows how to score a goal, but I can't see him being more valuable than pace on the right. And we've seen how wasted Arteta is on the right, I'd like to see him never put there again. I could see TC being put in for Rodwell and moved behind the striker for games against lower-mid table teams where the hustle and harrying is needed. Room needs to be made for younger talent to develop and TC is probably the weakest midfield link.

  6. that formation c1982 posted looks, on paper, very nice. It's a wonder why DM doesn't give something like that a go. It even fits his defensive mantra, playing both fellaini and rodders as defensive mids while also playing to his lone striker model. I'd be really encouraged to see this side played in big games where the experience of the older players (arteta, pienaar, jags, saha) would be complemented by the youthful enthusiasm of rodwell, fellaini and coleman. That said, surely Coleman has to see some time on the pitch this year after playing so well in the Championship with Blackpool.


    If, BIG IF, the rumours of Izmailov come true then I think we'd have a clear-cut best XI in:



    Coleman Jags Heitinga Baines

    Fellaini Rodwell

    Izmailov Arteta Pienaar


  7. Moyes has built his squad. Over 8 years, he's brought in both established and potential talent, and while there have been some bad buys, DM has largely made strong signings and managed to do it spending a mere 20mil net. So, having spent those years building the club to what we can assume is his ideal what is his best starting XI, if indeed there is one? The more I try to pin down definitive Best XI the more I start to think there isn't one. there are a few players; Arteta, Baines, Howard, Jags, Felli, and Pienaar, who make every edition, but it's the others I can't figure out. Who is our best striker, right back, right winger, left-center back and attacking-mid/2nd striker. Hell, I really can't even say whether our current squad is better off playing DM's trademark 4-5-1 or switching to a more aggressive 4-4-2. Here are a few formations I've seen and liked, but again, which is best really depends on which players decide to show up.



    Hibbert Heitinga Distin Baines


    Anichebe Arteta Rodwell Pienaar




    Coleman Jagielka Heitinga Baines


    Bily Arteta Osman Pienaar




    Coleman Jagielka Distin Baines


    Bily Arteta Pienaar

    Yakubu Saha



    Neville Jagielka Distin Baines


    Bily Arteta Pienaar




    Those are a few of my thoughts, none of which really convince me that we have a definitive Best XI. Thoughts?

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