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Posts posted by BrotherEstapol

  1. Hmmm, was hoping they'd have all the kits out before the aussie tour...not that it matters anyways cause just just going to wait till there's a free printing sale or something so I can get my kit on the cheap!


    Good to hear there's a white third though! I rather like my white away from 08/09!

  2. no...he was an awesome player for leeds and that has been it...didn't mind takin saha on with the injuries because he is a class player and everyone knows it...kewell has done fuck all since leeds

    He was in fine form before he got injured and I reckon he'll have a blinder of a world cup.


    That said, I'm less confident he'd do as well at Goodison.


    Also, he is a bit of a wanky douche bag. :)

  3. Hell no, that has to be a wind-up!

    How many games a season does this crock manage now anyway?

    Well he was the highest goal scorer in the Turkish league last season I think...or at least for Galatasaray...


    My missus is a Red and, like me, an Aussie and she thinks Kewell is rubbish and we'd be stupid to take him.


    I, however, think he's alright when fit, but donno how he'd go back in the EPL.


    Will be interesting to see how he goes in south africa though...for Australia's sake I hope he has a blinder, cause we got snapped by the yanks last night and he wasn't on the pitch.


    Would be worth it just to piss off some reds though. :)

  4. Been having a think about it and I've decided that I don't care what we're wearing. It's still the same team under the shirt and the colour shouldn't matter for the away kit.


    Hell, this is the kit we'll be wearing when we beat Brum, Blackburn, Citeh and Chelsea.

    Fuckin' get on it.

  5. Yeah that's from the friendly the other week...was a rippa! :D

    Was in the 3rd row in the direction the cameras are pointing in the first shot and I can tell you that Kiwi went flying! The footage doesn't do it justice!


    At the time I thought only a yellow, cause it didn't look that bad from how he went in; just looked like an unfortunate tackle. But seeing his leg up like it is, he deserved a red.


    All said though, the tackle that Grella did eariler(to the same poor Kiwi!) was much worse...2 footed, stuts up into his shin with his feet about 3 feet from where the ball was...that was DEFINATELY red, but again, it didn't look as bad until the replay.


    Very lucky, but not surprising that our coach wasn't impressed with the tackles. Not the sort of play you want in a World Cup.



    ...but yeah, Park Chu-young! What a player! :unsure:

  6. I'd take him. After watching some J-League games while in Japan, I really came to admire the Japanese and Koreans playing there.

    Great determination, speed and technical ability.


    Only issue I could see, which could also explain the lack of Asians in the Premier League, is the lack of physicality to their game...


    Generic racial profiling for the win! :(

  7. I'm just hoping that the shitty shirt was leaked by EFC as a decoy, and that the proper kit is actually much classier...which means everyone will think is fantastic in comparison to the leaked kit.


    Or aren't the people in marketing that clever? :P

  8. rather have bentley than landon and the valu of pienaar and yobo > donovan petrov...i'd be asking where the rest went

    The club's not allowed to save any of it's cash?


    And Donovan's a known quantity; we already know he fits in the team well.

    That's not to say we shouldn't bring anyone else in...

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