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Rob W

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Posts posted by Rob W

  1. i quite like him, he can be a cocky so and so at times but he is quite funny. must be said though that anything he says seems to be blown out of proportion in the press, like the bird flu thing being a bigger worry than man utds challenge on the league, i saw the interview and the papers the next morning made it sound worse than it was.

    at least hes a bit interesting i say, doesnt care what ppl think ...and why should he

  2. is true, the slightest knock and they rolling around like they had been shot, no wonder they are after pires for next season!

    i must say i would love arsenal to win the champs league, espec to beat barca in the final...except my dad n bro are tottenham fans and they would be gutted if they finished 4th.

  3. on saturday i was sitting right behind the goal when richie did his miss and scramble and to be fair all the Everton fans were shouting words of encouragement to him after he did it, it would have been easy to start booing and shouting at him how crap he is but they gave him encouragement and that must be what he is thanking the fans for.

    i agree that theres no point in booing a player wearing blue even if he is dodgy like wright is, its not gona do his confidence any good with his own fans on his back...and although all the shouts were 'come on richie lad', ppl talking between themselves were saying 'what the fuck is he doing!'

  4. Name: Rob Wigmore

    Age: 28

    From: Sutton, Surrey

    Favourite Everton player at the moment: Tim Cahill

    Favourite all time player: Tony Cottee

    Favorite Charlton Player: Graham Stuart

    Greatest memory of Everon v Charlton: Beating you 2-1 at the Valley a couple of seasons ago...soon to be beating you at the Valley on my first visit on Saturday Im hoping

  5. I belong to ESCLA (Everton Supporters Club London Area) and they will get me tickets for any match, even the derby or cup finals. I got my Charlton ticket from them and one for my mate. It only costs £15 for the year. Not sure if you qualify being in Kent but they would have a similar one probably, i know the midlands have a club too. Alos might be a bit late for Chalton tickets but join next season, is well worth it.

    The web add is http://www.escla.org.uk/

  6. > >A bloke on his way home from work comes to a dead halt in traffic and


    > >thinks to himself, wow, this traffic seems worse than usual.

    > >Nothing's


    > >moving."

    > >

    > >He notices a police officer walking back and forth between the lines


    > >of cars so he rolls down his window and asks: "Officer what's the

    > >hold


    > >up?"

    > >

    > >The officer replies: "It's a Liverpool fan, he's just so depressed

    > >about losing the premiership to Chelsea, being knocked out of Europe


    > >and the prospect of winning f**k all after gobbing off all season,

    > >he's threatening to douse himself in petrol and set himself on fire.



    > >says his family hates him, his mates are all laughing at him and he

    > >has


    > >never had a job. I'm walking around taking a collection for him."

    > >

    > >"Oh really?" says the bloke "How much have you collected so far?".

    > >

    > >"Only about 1/2 a litre, but a lot of people are still siphoning."

  7. if the G14 did break away from the domestic leagues and formed a european league, whos to say that players would want to play for those clubs any more. to travel away to a game for players to far far away would not be attractive week in an week out. do u think fans can afford to go to spain to watch their team every week.

    players would jump ship, fans would get bored and then although bolton would be top of the premiership, they would also have all the best players in the world cos the G14 clubs would have 1st division players playing for them!

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