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Rob W

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Posts posted by Rob W

  1. it also says at the bottom of the petrov bit that wigan are set to sign david thompson from blackburn for a cut price £250k. didnt we try to buy him for £3m in the summer!? surely if he is available for 1/12th of that now it would make sense to nab him!?

    i think ferrari should show a bit of loyalty to the club thats paying him his wages (us) espec as hes been sitting on his arse collecting them for most of the time he has been here. u have mido of spurs saying he dosent want to rturn to roma and ferrair saying he does, shows the difference in attration between us and spurs doesnt it. i wonder if ferrrai would still want to return if arsenal or man utd wanted him?

  2. 'Darlington have dipped into the transfer market to sign Everton's Paul Hopkins.


    The young striker has been earmarked as having a bright future at Goodison Park, and Quakers boss Dave Hodgson will be hoping that he can replicate the form which saw him net 15 goals in 24 games for the Everton Under-18s.


    Hopkins's potential is further underlined by the fact that he holds the Liverpool schoolboys' record for the most consecutive hat-tricks, hammering six-in-a-row and doubling the previous record set by Anfield legend Robbie Fowler.


    Hodgson is understood to have tracked the 19-year-old for some time before finally swooping, although it is unlikely that The Toffees would allow the switch to become permanent.'




  3. my best mate is a qpr fan and i have seen shittu in action numerous times. hes an absolute mountain of a man, heavy weight boxer style, heskey but bigger.

    he seems to be pretty accomplished at the back most of the time and scores a few goals too from corners but he is liable to the odd fuck up, and usuallly big fuck ups at that. when middlesboro were linked with him last season i thought that i was glad it wasnt Everton. he reminds me of titus bramble.

    not what we are looking for in my opinion.

  4. i read van the man is suspended too and that Saha will have his chance against us. saha and rooney isnt exactly the weakest partnership ever. I think it will either be 1-1 or 0-3, depends if we can keep it tight until half time.

  5. im wondering what keane, if he does sign will think of our players, if he managed to find something wrong with most at old trafford what will he make of our lot. i dont think it would be very productive to have him come in and tell mcfadden hes shit and beattie that he has man tits etc etc.

    im not against signing keane but as most of u lot have said already, do we really need him?!

  6. and to be replaced by goal machine kewell when ur team is drawing 0-0 and being the top scorer in the club.

    seems funny to me, last season i didnt rate cisse at all but they insisted on playing him until he broke his leg, this season i think hes been their best forward by a mile and always a threat but they prefer to play crouch up there and morientes with cisse on the wing!

    not that im complaining, seems beneathus is as bad as houiller was at team selection

  7. I think that blues fans can appreciate yobos qualities and realise what a good player he is but i dont think he is widely regrded as a quality centre back throughout the league. i think he would only be worth £3m if we were to sell him but he is much more valuable to us than hard cash would be.

  8. i think they want to leave because the whole reason ppl visit this site is to discuss football not get into a slanging match with a wind up merchant who thinks it funny to just argue for the sake of it.

    belive it or not we have had a fair few RS fans on here that have contributed to the conversation and not a single complaint has been made about them. in fact supporters from a lot of teams have come on usually before we play them and have disscused general topics.

    its just dickheads that ppl dont like

  9. i think he has up to 10m to spend if he chooses to, Keane is meant to be coming (fingers crossed) and maybe a couple others. good thing about moyes is that he doesnt just spend for the sake of it, if the player is worth the money he will invest. i bet RS wish Houiller and Beneathus were as sensible instead of spending multil millions on second class trash!

    the papers said today Chelasea may have aclear out, Geremi would be a good addition for us?! 3m maybe?

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