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Posts posted by bassman

  1. What the fuck are you talking about, you prize prick? Only in one post, from Reg Reagan, has any Everton players been mentioned in this thread.


    I fact. the majority are prasing Owen, an ex redshite!


    Blue_Dream my bellend! more like dreaming of being a blue! we have so many non evertonians on here, its like a fucking madhouse!


    If you dont like what Evertonians have to say about their players, then fuck off and join another site.

  2. Bit worried about this one. Sunderland got bugger all too lose really, and somone may get a suprise from them before they drop.let hope its not us!!


    by the way, they will only be relegated today if we beat them and the baggies beat the redshite.

  3. How fucking unusual!! We are linked with Forlan, and lo and behold, I open the paper this morning to read that Newcastle are preparing a bid for him!


    Yes I know its early, and Sunday, but some of us have to work all year to make sure aircraft are fit for all you rich T/Ters to fly off on your hols!

  4. Just a few observations. Westerveld not to blame for goals, not a bad game.

    we gave up possesion far too easily. we missed Neville and particularly Hibbett.

    Kilbane gave ball to barcodes too often. Babayaro should have been booked several times. Parker is a twat, and, was it me, but, and I know he had been out for a long time, did Carsley back off to easily? seemed a little too nervous to tackle. and Finally, did I mention parker is a Twat?

  5. However!! Now just read Skysports website, and Anelka apparently saying he has heard of interest from Everton but does not want to go there! he 'desperately; wants to go to Newcastle!! Just what is it with footballers and their obsession with the bar codes?


    It also says Manure DO NOT want GRAVESON.

  6. Sadly, the outcome was not so brilliant! why this game? not just because it was the RS and I was hoping to see them get beaten, but I finished work early, and yes, youve guessed it, despite being born and brought up in Liverpool, I now live and work in LOOTUN!!


    fCUKING shite hole actually, but hey, it pays the wages!

  7. Just seen on Sky sports news, that Spurs are chasing an Italian Striker(sorry did not catch name) could this be an out for Keane?.


    Mind you, 1-he is playing well for them, and getting a regular start. 2- Apparently, the money we had for Keane/Owen pre-season has strangely disappeared (like it even existed in the first place!!) 3- would he even contemplate us now?


    I am sure BK will have a good reason for us now being skint, just a few months after pretending to try to sign big names! we can all conjure up good stories now and then!


    During the war......................

  8. Hi all, now I am sober (just) I can maybe explain what I meant after the RS game, when I said I would give my support to local football. Basically, living 'daan saff' and working most weekends, I get little time to actively support the Blues.


    However, Between my son and 2 grandaughters, I must purchase at least £4-500 worth of Everton merchandise each season. even the kids selection boxes this year were from Everton! I get to games whever I can, but with each game, including all the extras, petrol etc costing me and my son around £130, added to the merchandise spend, then this money is what I was going to use supporting local teams, if no sort of commitment was shown by the team. (make no difference to them, just a personal protest).


    However, as the last 2 games are looking a bit better, (not counting chickens yet!) I will wait and see. I have been supporting the blues every since I was a young kid, (born in 1953, you work it out!) and will continue to do so. But as for giving them my money, although not nearly as much as most of you spend, well they will have to prove to me they are earning it first.


    As an aside, who do you reckon is the oldest member on here? be interesting to see what mix of ages we have.


    I could tell you some stories about the old days, watching the 1966 cup final etc....


    During the WAR...........................................................................


    ps looking at the post about season ticket prices, I reckon Toffeelicker must be in with a massive shout!

  9. Look at my previous posts gents! will still support the blues, even in the conference, just angry comments! however, still challenge you to deney any of my comments tonight!


    ps will use my money to support local fooball until I am convinved otherwise!

  10. 3-1 come on guys, argue with me! are we not the biggest load of shite to ever disgrace the premiership? last season ok, but this in no longer relevent!


    we are crap the whole of football knows we are!


    cue all the defensive replies! but they mean fuck all! we cannot change what we are,total bollocks!

  11. Turning point Mikeo? Do you really think so? even if, and it is highly unlikely, we beat or even draw with the R.S., do you really thing it is a turning point?


    Where are we going to be at the end of the saeson? we were a champions league team last season, we are struggling to be a championship team this season!


    As I have said before, I have supported the blues for over fourty years, and I for one am sick and tired of excuses and good reasons why we keep losing!


    our players are over rated and most definitely over paid! as I have said before, to regain my respect, all they have to do is give all they have 'earned' over the last 2 weeks to charity, and lets face it, they have actually earned fuck all, and my support is back with the team. Keep their ill gottens gains, and fuck them all! no longer will I purchase Everton goods, and I will never set foot in Goodison again, until we have a team worthy of the name Everton F.C.!

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