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Posts posted by bassman

  1. I know its just the Mirror, however!! accoring to them we are interested in Huddersfields Justin Rhodes, what is more relevant is the passage that reads Moyes will be given funds by Kenwright for a new striker, but his budget is below the asking price of 4m for Rhodes!!!


    Happy days!!!





  2. http://www.evertonfc...es-loan-options


    I want to cry. Correct me if I'm wrong but Saint Bill did say there would be money to invest in the team in January. Didn't he?


    Normal smoke and mirrors bullshit!! I have been waiting for this, ever since Bill said we would have money available. Usual crap! lott of really good reasons, "right player not available" etc etc, but always boils down to the same thing, give out some crap to keep the peasants happy, then come up with reasons why the crap was just that,


  3. Anyone got the feeling we have been conned again? Most clubs have started, discussed and completed deals during the day, as usual, talks with the 2 supposed signing at Everton have still not led to anything being announced. I can hear Fat Bill tomorrow. 'We really tried hard to bring players in, but sorry Folks, it did not work out'! We are a fucking laughing stock!

  4. I read it after I made my first post!! Obviously wasted my time apologising in that post, for not being able to find a reference, which I did just after posting. I have not made many posts, and I am somewhat unfamiliar with protocol, I wishI had not bothered now!

  5. Hi mate, yeh, I did the search, and read all about him, but my question is still, why on earth, given the state of our finances, are we loaning a player who will not be in the first team? The loan if for this season, then he goes back, what will we have achieved?

  6. Good morning all, I am sure somebody will take me to task for this, but I cannot find a reference to him in any recent posts, asking where the f**k is he?? (if there is, then my apologies).


    However, a mate of mine asked me yesterday, who is this Eric Dier, that is showing on S.S.N. list of players 'in' at Everton?. My question is, if we are paying a loan fee, and I presume wages,to him, then where is he, in respect of the first team?


    Why do we need a loan player in any other squad?

  7. Folks are still going on about the fact we cant afford to pay wages for a free player, however, correct me if i am wrong, but did Everton not say that they had offered Pienaar 65k per week to stay?? this before we had his transfer fee plus Vaughns fee? if this is so, a) why do we now not have the 65k per week to offer someone, and b)where the fuck did it go?

  8. Guys,

    While agreeing with most of what has been said, who was responsible for Cahill and Arteta starting? who is responsible for starting a player up front who would struggle to score in a sunday parks team?


    Sorry, but Moysie has to take the lions share of blame for what occured, he has proven time and time again that he will not drop his favorite players, even if unfit! how the hell can he motivate the guys who stepped up to the plate while his favorites were out, and, in the main, did us proud? He may be able to take a 'rough diamond' amd turn him into a reasonable prem player, he may be able to get the best out of mediocre players, but he keeps proving he is tactically inept. No amount of cash and backing will cover this up.

  9. What did Moyes say? the Bolton game was the worst he had seen?? guess again Moysie!! This team is a fuckling disgrace! bollocks to our financial situation, give

    the fans at the ground tonight their money back, and the so called 'players' should pay for it!!!

  10. he turned us down at the time when we were challenging spurs and outdoing them, remember this was a year ago so its not for ambition. ive got no qualms about it. The lad has earned moderate money as a footballer and this is his BIG money move and as a family man who hasnt earned HUGE money good luck. ive said this before , I love peanuts due to his work ethic and ability but to say its not about money when it clearly is, is daft


    Forgive me if I am wrong, but does my aged brain remember him turning down 60k a week, saying it less than waht he thought he was worth?? Its for the money indeed!

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