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Posts posted by Avinalaff

  1. I think Moyes has always projected a gentlemanly interview in defeat to be fair, unless there was a bad ref decision.


    QPR had an exceptional defensive record last season, despite Bolton wacking them for 4, We looked like we had caught them off guard, but we didn't take our chances and they settled.


    The subs Moyes played were dire, so he was right not to play them from the off. I actually thought the line up was quite attack minded, and we were much the better side and dominated the first half.


    Had we put our chances away we could have ran riot. As it is, we didn't, and the inevitable happened.


    We've seen it before, but I don't hold Moyes to blame. Timmy played as a second striker that I could see. Had Bilyaletdinov not been suspended he would probably have gotten a game today.

  2. I thought it might be good to have one thread in which to have a good old knee jerk reaction, rather than spreading all the doom and gloom todays result, and the weeks goings on will bring, so here's mine .... biggrin.png





    Arteta - comes on to the pitch, and dominates (takes over) our play - but the style of play for me gets worse. Why when we have such a great free kick taker in Baines, does Arteta take the next one, especially when Baines has just hit the bar from a similar position? Answer? Baines is a follower, not a leader. Moyes should ban Arteta from any dead ball situation. He's been absolute gash for 2 seasons. The guy is now surplus to our needs. Play Osman or Bily in the center instead.


    £8m and wages off the books.



    Louis Saha - Half arsed performance again today. Lazy attitude, so doesn't bother to get back onside. I don't think he moved into a sprint the whole time he came on, and always looked for a pass. Holds the ball up no better than Beckford. At least Beckford does a shift. Thanks for the goals, but time to get off our pay roll.


    £1m and wages off the books.



    Tim Cahill - Thanks for the memories, and for being a great servant to the club, but do us a favour and let us cash in while you still have some value. You need an extra second to think now, and that means you waste more than you reap. Sorry mate, but I don't feel it any more.


    £6-8m and wages off the books


    Phil Jagielka - human just like any other defender, and with that makes mistakes just like any other defender. If Arsenal offer the right amount, get shut and find another bargain. It has no bearing on our future what so ever whether Jags stays or not. We're skint, and we need the money.


    £18m and wages off the books




    Oh ...... and btw


    Fellaini - get fit or get lost. When you are fit you are superb, but when you jog around the pitch like a school history teacher looking for his pencil I wonder why we all rate you. In fact I wonder why we rate you anyway. I think folk just see the big hair do and presume you are a Brazilian World Cup star.




    Knee jerk over. Feel much better now. Cheers beer.gif

  3. Not worried at all here.


    Had lady luck gone our way we would be flying.


    Good first half other than the goal. Created some good opportunities.


    Rodwell has to get confidence. Leave the guy on. It's not just about today, but about the season.


    WQe can win this if we keep doing what we're doing.


    I cant actually express how dissapointed I am with this starting line-up. Draw for me.


    I'm actually quite surprised, as it's very attack minded indeed.


    We will win this match with the biggest scoreline we've ever had in the Premiership. Beckford will get a hat trick. wink.png

  5. Kenwright said Fucking 3 times. It's not Fucking Sunday school mate if swearing offends you it must be hard work going the match


    Ahhh, but you said the T word. That's very very naughty with a big nuh. wink.png Go sit in the naughty corner. smile.png


    I'll be passing leaflets around Gwladys St asking them to behave also. They really are a bad example on our young players. No wonder poor Joseph wants away. The league should supply our heroes with earplugs. They jolly well didn't need to wear them in my day young man. Football fans had manners back then. doh.gif

  6. Explain to me in what way this has helped Everton football club. Bottom line is these 3 dickheads have taken it upon them selves to represent all Everton fans by embarrassing the chairman and the club and that's a negative not a positive. You speak for your selves you counter-productive twats because you don't represent me.


    They certainly don't represent me either, though notice I didn't have to swear to get my point across? Grammar%20Police.gif


    * Cleaning Everton boards up since 1887 biggrin.png

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