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Wall Writer

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Posts posted by Wall Writer

  1. Could have given it to Mo, for the same reasons others have but I went for Saha, simply because we looked a lot more dangerous once he came on and made us look a lot more threatening.

    I think he should be on from the start if he's fit. Saying that, it might be worth not playing him until we get to the semi's just to make sure he doesn't pick up any more injuries. :unsure:

  2. Like everyone else, this is the one I would have hoped to avoid. But as previously stated, we'd probably have to meet them somewhere along the line. At first I thought we'd have to play them at Old Trafford, then remembered that it's gonna be at Wembley anyway. I think we'd have a better chance at Wembley than at Old Trafford. I'm gonna go for a Saha hatrick, a Phil Neville free-kick, and Tim Howard to lob VDS from his own penalty box. Oh, and Rooney to score an own goal. :D

  3. I like Mo, I think in time he'll become a really important player for us. Once he gets used the Prem a bit more, and once referees stop immediately turning to him as soon as there's some kind of infraction in the area of the pitch that he's in. And, as we saw today, Huth & Co were all over him in the first half. Headlocks and all. The first time he's not being wrestled and he scores.

    Yeah, I admit that sometimes he's passing is a bit astray, and he sometimes looks like he could be a bit more interested. But there's more to come from this lad, I can promise you that.

  4. We looked a lot more potent with Saha on, I hope we really can keep him fit from now on. We were much better in the second half. Roll on Wembley.

    It's not far from me, what's the chances of me getting a ticket :)

  5. I hope someone has a word with the referee and remind him to put his contacts back in, cos the amount of wrestling that's gone on in the Boro box has been abominal. Just cos Felli's involved he's somehow automatically deemed culprit.

    Shit goal to concede too. We're still lacking that creative force, but Boro have started well and we haven't really got any answers for them.

  6. Those Boro fuckers have got their arms all over Fellaini. Everytime we have a corner or a set peice near their box, they just hold onto him. Did anyone see the headlock (didn't see who exactly) had him in.

  7. Didn't really see much of the match, my stream kept dropping, esp second half. Looked like we needed someone to put a foot on the ball tonight, make us play at our pace. It felt like to much of a tennis match for me.

  8. Computer dunce here - if the stream is really (like really!!! jerky) and keeps freezing up is that my computer (Mac G4) being sh*te, my internet being sh*te or the stream being wonky?

    (how are we looking onpitch?)

    It could be your internet connection. Make sure you're not downloading anything else at the same time. Turn off anything that you don't need that may be taking bandwidth. If that fails, try another stream. Look here: http://myp2p.eu/broadcast.php?matchid=31338&part=sports#

  9. The Sun said Allardyce described him as a "Conman". Well I hope he (Cahill) can con a goal or two out of them tonight.


    I quite like Big Sam, I think this is just mind games for tonight. It's obvious he's scared of our Tim and is trying to mix it up a little. I wouldn't worry about.

  10. Quote from the site:


    "I'm really excited about the move," he said.


    "When I went to Everton I saw how many youth players had gone through into the first team and I think I will have a better chance with them than some of the other sides who were interested."



    That's gotta be true, lets just hope that he turns out to be a top quality player. Pity he's not a bit older cos I think we could do with him in the first team.

  11. Bit nervous about this one to be honest, but I still think we'll take something. Our defence should be able to withstand any they can throw at us, I'm just hoping we can start creating decent chances. I'm gonna go for us to win 1(or maybe 2) - 0.

  12. They always say the sign of a good team is when they are still getting results even though they are not playing well. We didn't play well yesterday, but we took our chances and got the result. We didnt play well against Newcastle but we still took a point away - Not bad considering our record there, the fact Arteta was hauled off after 3 minutes on top of our already weakened and depleted side. Our three previous games, were a 3-1 win against Villa, 3-0 against Bolton and then of course the Liverpool replay.

    We've had real bad look with injuries this season, but we've still always managed to get to the FA Cup quarters and we're just 2 points behind Arsenal. We've now got players coming back - Ossie, Pienaar, Saha, maybe even Vaughny soon.

    Add that to the fact that pretty much all our remaining games are winnable. At least March - Blackburn, Stoke, Portsmouth. (April may be a little harder with us playing both Villa & Chelsea). But still, I'm pretty confident, that we're just having a minor blip due to the constant shifting of positions we've had to make and the departure of Arteta. I'm sure, we'll start playing much better over the next few matches. And the way Arsenal are going, we've got a really good shout for 5th. (oh, and we've only got to put one over on Boro and we win a trip to Wembley).


    I think we've still got a lot to look forward to.

  13. I seem to be picking up some anti-Yobo vibes here and there. I was wondering what people think about him now. He's been out for months, and is only just getting back into the side. He probably hasn't played at his best recently, and I think we (fans) have gotten used to the rock steady partnership of Jags and Lescott in recent weeks.

    If I remember correctly it wasn't too long ago when he played every minute of every match for the whole season, and people were saying that he was the first name on the team sheet every week. (I'm sure someone will promptly correctly if I'm wrong here).

    I personally think he's probably just a bit of the pace from being out for so long, and am willing to see how he gets on over the coming weeks.

  14. I think he got off to a good start scoring two goals on his debut, and I think many people got a bit excited about him. Since then though, he hasn't really lived up to that initial promise. I was watching him today, and he didn't really have a good game. Some heavy touches saw him lose the ball a few times and he never looked likely to threaten their defence (he's not the only culprit on that point I'm afraid).

    However, I'm still holding out that's he's gonna improve (or that he is actually really good in training, plays crap for us till the end of the season, we buy him for next to nothing, and then his true colours come out next season :wink2: )

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