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Wall Writer

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Posts posted by Wall Writer

  1. I'm not against this idea at all. We could have a huge 70 seater stadium, the atmosphere, especially on derby matches would be immense. The price would be halved, we'd probably got some funding. We have to get rid of these exclusivity deal with Tesco asap cos that's holding us back aswell. With not too many options or money floating around, I'd say that a ground share could (possibly) be the best option. For me it's either that or redevelop GP, but then there's another headache to consider.

  2. I gotta agree with you carl, both Jags and Lescott were excellent last year but as you say Jags at CB and Lescott at LB. Play them out of those positions and they're abismal. We saw it last season when they were played out of position, but the thing is Moyes hasn't seemed to have learnt that lesson. If he's playing them out of position just to keep them happy, then i've gotta ask, what kind of leadership is that? (I know that's speculation). Also, I'm not sure about Rodwell in the middle, I just dont think he gives us the presence we need in that area of the park, i know he's still young and whatever, but that's gotta be something we need to fix and soon.

  3. Horrible, horrible, horrible performance. I'm more depressed then ever with the situation. There's some drastic work to be done if we're gonna make anything but a relegation battle out of this season - forget europe, forgot top 5, forget top 10, forget cup runs, forget big name signings. I feel sick, utterly sick.

  4. Group A


    AS Roma


    CFR Cluj


    Group B

    Inter Milan

    Werder Bremen


    Anorthosis Famagusta


    Group C


    Sporting Lisbon


    Shakhtar Donetsk


    Group D




    Atletico Madrid


    Group E

    Man Utd

    Villa Real




    Group F


    Bayern Munich

    Steaua Bucharest



    Group G




    Dynamo Kiev


    Group H

    Real Madrid


    Zenit St Petersburg

    Bate Borisov






    What are your thoughts???

  5. If we were playing away, I'd think that Pompey might do us, but home...even though they need the points...we'll beat them.... ... 2-0. And I got a sneaky suspicion one of the young lads'll get a goal (Rodwell or Baxter).

  6. Haven't really seen him in action apart from the obligatory youtube vid:

    If he's free then i'd see no reason to go for him, maybe he has/will turn us down (like others have), but looks as said above that he'd be a good addition. Maybe he'd demand higher wages cos he knows he coming on a free, but TBH I can't see this one coming off.

  7. Im not saying he's not worth 11mil, I'm just thinking about our budget and how much it'd leave for other players. I'd take him for 8, I'd have to think about it for 11, or go for a loan. But you're probably right. They'll want to recoup some of what they paid for him, they paid 21 for him I think. I wouldn't want to spend more on SWP than we did on Yak.

    Anyway, I can't really get excited about it either way, if it happens it happens, I'm all out of energy for this, I just hope we can get the players, and hopefully good ones in before next week.

  8. Got a feeling the red shite are gonna get this one. He agent's come out and openly said that Everton have made a bigger offer but he wants CL football, I reckon he's just trying to stir up a bit more business and make each side a bit scared. I reckon RS will put in an improved offer and do a deal quickly, we'll think about it until next tuesday, then realise it's too late.

  9. That's true. I think that people were so bouyed with expectation after last year that they/we were thinking that this year is going to be even better. Now it seems it's gonna be a dog fight just to find a bit of bouyancy in the league, nevermind the cups and Europe. And any possibility of CL qualification seems to have drastically fallen through slippery fingers. I for one really enjoyed last season, the best season we've ever had (in my youthful memory at least), it seems a shame that all of that looks like it's gone to waste. I'm still keeping my fingers crossed that a solution can be found, i just hope it's sooner rather than later.

  10. I can't complain with this comment. I heard a rumour back at the end of last season that Moyes had gone in to see BK with a list of 20 player or sth that he was interested in. On that list I guess was Options A, B and C. I dont believe that, if that was true (which to be honest is more than believable - surely this would be a sebible thing to too), we haven't been able to get a single one of them or that we still chasing number one. I dont' know WTF is going on over there but......you know what mean!!!

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