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Posts posted by Zoo

  1. Just finished Fallout: New Vegas and sided with;



    Yes Man to create an independant Vegas



    It was a really, really good RPG and a step up from Fallout 3. I'm thinking of buying the Ultimate Edition when it comes out and re-playing it all over. I didn't put as much love and care into it as I have done with Skyrim, so I'd like to go back and try and achieve 100% completion - has anyone on here been through the Fallout series?

  2. I'm a Wigan Warrior fan myself mate. I can't see Wane being in the job long tbh; I don't think he was the right choice at all and I've thought that since it was rumoured.




    I never thought we would get someone as good as Maguire but Wane for me dosen't seem up to the challenge ahead. Last season against Huddersfield we walked all over them and looked like a team that nobody could beat, against them yesterday however we looked one of the worst teams in Super League. We had no movement or pace and the defence simply wasn't good enough, I just hope that Wane somehow gets the lads fired up for Saturday night against the Rhinos as even though it's only the second game of the season I think it will be vital towards our championship aims.

  3. I was there and it was a joke, you could barely move.


    I went the next day to see the Wigan Warriors and Huddersfield Giants game and when I went down at half time there were no stewards and once again there was too many people jammed together trying to get around. I went for a piss and it took me about half an hour to get to the toilet, I'm not a fan of the DW Stadium because I think that the people that run it (Dave Whelan etc...) are bloody idiots, it's just a shame that I have to go every week to see my favourite team. Let's hope that its sorted out.


    I never though I'd say this though but one this topic I'm with the Blue Union.

  4. I remember watching the Superbowl last night and not having a clue what was going on (I think a team in green won and everyone went mental). I don't think I can face any more sports today, I'm still heart-broken at Wigan losing to Huddersfield as its not a good way to start off a Super League season.


    I think I'll just stick Dave on and blank out in front of the TV.

  5. Arsene Wenger has been named as a candidate for the French job once the current manager Laurent Blanc leaves. It's becoming more and more clear that his future is not with Arsenal and I do wonder whether this job would interest him (after all he is French) and whether having him as France's manager would be a good thing.


    I'm unsure how he would fare being an international manager as its a totally different ball game to the Premiership but I guess only time will tell should he be selected.


    What are your thoughts?


    Article: (http://www.goal.com/en-gb/news/2896/premier-league/2012/02/05/2887548/france-want-arsenals-arsene-wenger-to-take-over-from-laurent)

  6. Super League started today for me as I went watching the mighty Wigan Warriors at home. It's just a shame that we wasn't so mighty on the pitch as we managed to lose 16-20 against Huddersfield Giants and put in a very 'Everton-like' performance. We only started playing properly with about 10 minutes to go meaning we had no time to really hit the Giants and get the win (the referee didn't help either, but at the end of the day we shoulden't have to rely on the officials).


    So thats Everton and Wigan, two season tickets and two teams which lose. Fan-fucking-tastic.

  7. How embarassing... went to the pub and only managed to watch the first 45 minutes because I was that pissed I didn't see any of the second half. I remember being gob-smacked at Howard doing something silly (I think that was the goal) but that was about it.


    I did some betting with my Dad and I purposly didn't back Everton because I know that we would lose against Wigan being the team that we are. (one step forward and two steps back like Romey said). The annoying part is that had Howard not fucked up for us we would have snatched ourselves a 1-0 win which I would have been happy with, it's shocking what he did (even if I can only rememeber part of it).



    Still, if Man United win tomorrow I am £132 richer! (Arsenal, Norwich, Sunderland and Man City all won).

  8. I've been trying to get into them, I like most genres of music so I probably will and they will no doubt be better live than they are in the studio. To tell you the truth I'm not well up on Dubstep so I can't compare them to any other band out there with a similar sound, I'll just have to keep listening and hope something clicks!


    Is it just me though, or is Dubstep really easy to do? Providing you have the equipment... I mean once you've created a beat all you have to do is loop it so that it lasts for four minutes.


    Edit: To The Stars is quality.

  9. More dance music for me at the moment. This is a hit from Dutch DJ 'Fedde Le Grand' called 'So Much Love' and is from one of his mix-tapes, even if you don't like dance music I highly recommend that you watch the video for the girls alone. I'd sure love to be a DJ just to be able to perform for folks like this.


  10. What gets on my nerves?, Computers and accessories and connections and all that fucking nonsense


    Accessories are cool, it might seem like a girly thing but accessories and electronics go hand in hand for me, even though my Blackberry is still without a foam cover around it after about a year of owning it.


    To add some input to this thread however;


    1) Dub-step (in general its a pile of wank and it's even worse that I'm having to go and watch this stuff live).

    2) When ex-girlfriends get back in touch with you to discuss health problems that they may or may not have.

    3) The black bits around sausages (they taste fucking awful so pigs need to sort themselves out).

  11. love the norwegians bit laugh.png


    Not kidding your blog is great. It's really laid back which I like and you're really easy to listen to (christ I sounded like a puff then...) and obviously there have been a lot of interesting points that need to be discussed which you have talked about in this episode.


    I'll check back when you release the next clip and I'll subscribe soon!

  12. Im not really buying it to be honest but I dont know what he was covering up... I think he was even at the Fulham game to watch us?! Maybe something was lost in translation?


    I was thinking this. He's either covering something up or its got missed in translation because on the Everton Facebook page it said that when we played Fulham in the FA Cup both Mancini and Platt were in the stands watching us and I'm sure I've read on some news sites that he had been attending the game before that (forget which one that will have been - Blackburn maybe?)


    So yeah, I doubt that any manager woulden't plan for a game, espcially with them being only three points clear at the top (before KO), it would be very foolish and if it does turn out to be true then we will see a lot of angry City fans. Personally I think it could be that he's trying to take the pressure off the players seeing as everyone is talking about them 'not being up to United's standards' and that they can't handle the pressure up top.



    The brackets are used to apply missing (but deemed important) context. If an interviewer asks "what next for City?" and I say "We move on", then they could quote "We [City] move on". You see it most when people accidentally miss out words when talking, it adds the words back in for clarity.


    Thank you :)

  13. Really appreciated Zoo! you live in Britain? Hopefully have a gig near you in next few weeks


    Indeed I do.


    I live in a town called Ashton which is not far from both Liverpool and Manchester (about an hours drive) so any gigs that are in that area I'll quite easily be able to run down to. I've bought tickets for Lostprophets this year and thats at the Academy and I'm thinking of getting some for Young Guns and Matt Cardle too (which will also be in Manchester), basically if you've got any lined up in and around that area then I'll certainly be able to come down!


    And obviously I'll pop down for when you headline Glastonbury ;)

  14. I've just completed Memory 4 of Assassins Creed Brotherhood and I've come to the conclusion that the next game should heavily focus on Altair rather than Desmond. Not to give too much away but the 4th memory involves Altair gameplay and it's bloody brilliant, he's a really good assassin and I think we need to have some more hands-on time with him to see what he does with the creed once becoming Guild Master (after murdering Al Mualim in Assassins Creed).



    The Memory 4 was a good one for Altair as the Assassins came so close to a Civil War (still hope they do because it'll be interesting to see how they cope) yet he managed to prove that killing his master was a good thing and we were shown again just how much power the Apple has. Ezio himself managed to snatch another key from the caverns meaning he learns more about what is going on and hopefully comes closes to defeating those pesky Templars. I liked the cavern mission as it didn't involve fighting, just quick-thinking and accurate climbing.


    I'm liking this game though, it's taken a back-seat because of Skyrim and the likes but overall it's been yet another quality installment to the franchise.


  15. Thanks Pete... dunno if its just coz im at work but the youtube link has dissapeared from my original post....or the big space could be where the pic of vid is??


    I can still see the video, it must be because your at work smile.png


    And I guess I'll have to wait till Monday then! Definatly buying though so at least you have a sale in the bag!


    Shared it on facebook, goodluck


    Me too!

  16. Jelavic to start? Who to make way?


    He will probably put Stracq back on the bench and start Jelly in his place. Personally I would like him to put TC on the bench (even though he has been playing better of late) and put Stracq in his place so we can have Jelly up top with Stracq just behind him winning every high ball that Neville hoofs into the Wigan half.


    My prediction: Everton 3 Latics 0.

  17. I love Pepe Reina.




    On a serious note I would consider Joe Hart to be one of the best keepers the league. He is young, quick and most of all safe in everything that he does, Reina for me is a really good keeper but makes far too many mistakes to be considered one of the leagues 'legends' which is similar to what I can say for Petr Cech. He was by far the best goalkeeper in our league but recently has decided to act like a bufoon and let Chelsea concede silly goals, I'd rate Tim Howard over him nowadays.


    The blokes a knobhead and I'd be very happy to never see the tit wear an England shirt ever again.


    John Terry won't be facing trial for racial abuse until after Euro 2012 so he's free to lead his country into Poland.


    Just like his hero did.

  18. And we thought someone hand-cuffing themselves to the post was bad!


    I feel sorry for some of the people in Egypt as there are no doubt innocent people amongst the mix. Some people will no doubt have gone to the match to support their team and have ended up fighting for their lives after being involved in the riot. Because Egypt is such a poor country they can't simply move abroad and get a new home because they can't fund it.


    We are lucky to be living in a country like this, it may have its flaws but its a lot safer than the likes of Egypt and Wales.

  19. Roberto Mancini, the City manager, appeared to know what he was up against before the match, which, considering Everton's David Moyes had already defeated him four times in five, was no great surprise. "They fight for every ball. It is not enough to have good players," he said of Everton. This made the Italian's decision to blame himself for the defeat, late last night, all the more eye-catching. "I acknowledge my mistake. It is important for me to know this because like this I can't do the same mistakes in the next game," Mancini said. Pressed to elaborate, he continued: "I didn't prepare well for this game. I thought it was maybe easier. I know here it is never easy, never. I didn't [prepare well] during the training in the last three or four days. The players put everything on the pitch but I made some mistakes."


    There's what Mancini said for those that are interested along with the link (http://www.independent.co.uk/sport/football/premier-league/mancini-takes-rap-after-city-unlocked-by-gibson-6297716.html)


    Also, bit of a grammar question here. What does it mean when there are those funny brackets around some of the interview? I got an A in English at school but that is one thing that I've never learned... what are they for?

  20. I am in no way shape or form having a go at Baxter because I think he will turn out to be a great attacker at our club and given his age and that he only played 10 minutes I think it would be small-minded of us to think that he's not going places. Like you said if that was the case then Stracq would be sitting in his Argentinian living room wondering whether it was all a dream.


    Baxter didn't play well today but given his limited Premiership experiance we can let him off!

  21. Confirmed on both Match of the Day and on the official website. Pienaar is back!


    It makes me happy this because Baines has missed Stevie, our left wing is not the same without him and I can see us really picking up the pace in the league now from the injection of Steven (not to mention Jelly). Does anybody know if its a 'loan with an option to buy?' because if it is then that would make the deal all the more sweet.


    Barkley has Pienaar's old number (20) so will he taken Billy's 7 or his current 40?

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