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Luton Deducted 30 Points

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Another one bites the dust, WTF are the Football League and the FA doing, ?? They are trying to relegate every club outside the premier and leave themselves with just a super league.

Their motto seems to be dont help, just Kick them while they're down. 30 points means instant obscurity into the Conference.

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15 points for bankruptcy, and another 15 for iregularities with transfers and agents, (one thinks to ones self) would it have been the same for Portsmouth and Bolton for the irregularities with agents.


That was conveniently brushed under the carpet at FA headquarters.

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10 points for "misconduct in the transfer market" (not "bungs" per se, but other rules violations)

20 points for not coming up with a proper CVA after entering administration (this is the same thing that got Leeds slapped with a 15-point penalty last season - the Football League says Luton is getting hit with the extra points because this is the third time they've gone into administration in ten years)


The CVA thing I can understand - there's a precedent there and if they let Luton off easy after slamming Leeds it would've looked really bad. However, I disagree with them about imposing the extra penalty, especially since the current ownership had nothing to do with any of the three incidents.


What I really think is BS is that they've essentially forced Luton to waive their right to appeal these sanctions. Normally I'm against appeals on the grounds of, "if you broke the rules and got caught, take your punishment like a man," but in this case the punishment seems unduly harsh and if they did appeal, I think they'd have an excellent chance of getting at least five points back, if not more. I wonder if Luton can make a case for unfair coercion on that no-appeal agreement.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Man, League Two is looking all f'ed up before the season even starts.


On top of the slamming that Luton took, now they just announced that Rotherham and Bournemouth are each going to start the season with 17-point penalties. Same reasons in both cases: not coming up with a proper CVA in a timely fashion, and two trips to administration in two years.

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