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I definatly want to see Max Payne. For me the dude they picked (can never remember his name) was perfect. He is the right Payne. I just hope that they keep the movie close to the game. I mean, Hitman was a good film. But as a big fan of the gaming side of it I was let down in many places. I just hope that they get Max Payne right. And get into the audience's head and make us feel sorry for the phsycopath that Max is slowly turning into, and they had better make the wife/child death scene good, because that's the scene that everyone thinks about when they hear Max Payne.


Burn After Reading looks good, unsure whether it looks good enough to make me sit in a cinema for a few hours. Quantium Of Solace and Aleinate People look good too. Daniel Craig is, like Jonathon Ross said last night, becoming close to the best Bond ever seen. He's exceptional at the role. I'm unsure whether I watch Igor. I think that too childish for my liking.

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How to lose friends and alienate people.


Terrific until they start turning a bit Hollywood about half-way through. 3.5/5 from me.



Didn't get into Burn After Reading today, missed the show by 15 mins, decided to go see the Rocker instead, hilarious - 4/5.

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Watched Saw last night, I must admit that I have like all the hype surrounding them and I have loved all the trailers and snippets seen on YouTube but I have never actually got round to watching any of the films from start to finish.


I don’t know what I expected, I mean, I knew there would be blood but I didn’t expect as much storyline, for me, I was kinda expecting a random film with two guys in a room in a race to cut ones leg off.


I liked the acting from the two guys, the doctor was good at reassuring Adam into being calm and co-operating. I liked Adam a lot and thought that his character was the main reason why I kept watching. I liked the whole plot surrounding the film, and the cleverness. I mean, the game itself is gruesome but to come up with the plan and perform it takes a genius, and I was impressed with many of Jigsaw’s games.


Am defiantly going to watch the second one if it comes on the TV, if not I’ll just have to get it on DVD, I thought the middle could be done a little better but the start and finish were superb. Brilliant.



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I thought Saw 2 was better than the first, 3rd was a let down and in all honesty and I've not seen 4 or 5 yet :)


From what I have heard people seem the same as you Louis. People say that Saw 1 and 2 are excellent, with Saw 2 being better than the first one. Saw 3 was terrible as it just revolved around killing people as gruesome as possible without any real story-line whilst Saw 4 was back to its best being a very good film. I'm going to watch them all and make my own judgement, but I don't expect much from Saw 3.

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Good films for that kind of story line as most horror's that carry on get abit tedious and predictable.

Just downloaded Max Payne ill watch it later, mark walberg does look like the perfect man for the job i just hope they do the game justice as it was a belter.

Edited by EFC-Paul
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Good films for that kind of story line as most horror's that carry on get abit tedious and predictable.

Just downloaded Max Payne ill watch it later, mark walberg does look like the perfect man for the job i just hope they do the game justice as it was a belter.


Really looking foreward to watching Max Payne, looks like an excellent film. When I get back from my break I'm going to the cinema to watch 'The Rocker' should be a good film. One of my favourite films is School Of Rock so I'm hoping 'The Rocker' can live up to my expectations.


Watching Saw 2 tonight. It seems thier going to be putting one on every night. It's on Channel 4 for those that want to watch it. I'm going to confess to watching the film before it too. 'Monster In Law' its one of those dreary romantic comedy films that I had to watch with a friend, but whilst I was half-watching it I actually thought that it was funny in places. Watched it on the TV a few months ago and liked it, so if there's nothing on then I'll be having a film night on 4.

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From what I have heard people seem the same as you Louis. People say that Saw 1 and 2 are excellent, with Saw 2 being better than the first one. Saw 3 was terrible as it just revolved around killing people as gruesome as possible without any real story-line whilst Saw 4 was back to its best being a very good film. I'm going to watch them all and make my own judgement, but I don't expect much from Saw 3.

I thought Saw 1 was a country mile better than any of the other films to be honest. I was dissapoitned by all the others

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A few films I want to see out in the near future:

  • Max Payne
  • Burn After Reading
  • Quantum of Solace
  • Igor - I actually do :)
  • How to lose friends and alienate people.


Has anyone been to the new cinema at Liverpool One? If so how do they compare to the FACT?



went to see eagle eye last week. the cinema is really good, you can clearly see over the people in front finally, the seats are comfortable, and its all laid out nicely. plus with the option of £16 gallery seats with complimentry food and a bar! it seems we have a rival for FACT.


i wanna see max payne too. loved that game. just hope that as i saw in the trailers, that the winged being they see are only visable when they are tripping.

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Didn't see these at the cinema but whilst in Scotland on a cold night I had my trusty Archos DVD Player in my bag just begging to be played, so I did :)


Tuesday - Van Helsing


I'm sure you know, a tale about a man who sets out to kill Lord Dracula. It features Kate Beckinsdale (which immediatly gives the movie at 5/10) and Hugh Jackman (as Van Helsing) the movie begins with Helsing tracking Quasimodo. The bell-boy in Nótre Dame. He kills him by shooting a grappling hook through his heart and flinging him of the cathederal roof. A gory end to such a much loved character.


The movie soon goes into the main quest. Finding and killing Dracula. Helsing joins forces with Kate and travels to Transelvanya to kill the vampire master. He ends up in all sorts of trouble, with the local vampires, the local residents, Dracula's girls and about all, actually finding where Dracula lives. The movie kept me guessing all the way through the first time and this time round it was still kinda' cool. The dude who played Dracula (imdb him, can't remember his name) was especially good - real creepy character that you just knew if he was real he'd have a huge mob outside his door waiting to kill him.


Real good film overall. Jackman & Beckinsdale did well together.




Wednesday - Wanted

I really liked this film. I thought that it delivered many things, it had a good story, great action and, above all, a great twist which made this film even better. I didn't really expect this to be that good, I just expected a lot of action really, and some shitty storyline to go along with it, that's all, but I was very wrong.


Except for the first scene, the beginning wasn't really very exciting, it just introduced some characters and showed the every day life the main character. It evolved, however, into a much greater film. The effects in this film were absolutely brilliant. Every now and then there would be a slow motion effect in an action scene, which looked absolutely badass, as if the action scene alone wasn't badass enough. The gunfights were truly spectacular, even though outrageously far-fetched.


The story was not bad too. It wasn't really great, but it all slowly but surely built up to the great, if not a little predictable, twist. The acting was mediocre, I'd say, on everyone's behalf, even Morgan Freeman's and Angelina Jolie's. The music was alright too, wasn't anything special.


The effects and the action scenes definitely made it for me, though. They were so great that I eventually forgot about the little things that slightly ruined the movie and was eager to see more of it. If you're a fan of amazing but very unrealistic action, then I recommend you watch this movie.


So, another 8

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  • 2 weeks later...

Quantum of Solace


OK, for all those people that say no gadgets, no car-chases and no girls makes this film a total waste of money are idiots. The new James Bond is, IMO, one of the best they’ve done. Daniel Craig once again made the role his own and proved to me, and the rest of the people in the cinema that he is the best Bond to have taken on the role.


The film begins with a small chase, which is the only one in the film before we get a darker and deeper plot line about Bond taking revenge, ignoring orders and other things that they made really cool. The characters all work well and the bad-guy for once is realistic, not some guy with white hair, a parrot and an eye-patch.


I don’t want to say too much and have to spoiler it so I’m ending it here. It was excellent and I think that everyone should at least watch it, 9

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