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Holiday Advice


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Me and the wife are thinking of going on holiday in May this year to tenerife and taking Dakota for her first holiday there.


When we fly she will be just over a year old and just wondered if anyone had taken babies on holiday before at that sort of age or if its a big no no as to many problems.


We looking at staying in an apartment instead of a hotel this year and we been to the resort a few times so know our way around there.


Just worried with her flying and staying abroad for a bit with her routine of eating and sleeping


Any advice would be gratefull

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Guest efctaxi
Me and the wife are thinking of going on holiday in May this year to tenerife and taking Dakota for her first holiday there.


When we fly she will be just over a year old and just wondered if anyone had taken babies on holiday before at that sort of age or if its a big no no as to many problems.


We looking at staying in an apartment instead of a hotel this year and we been to the resort a few times so know our way around there.


Just worried with her flying and staying abroad for a bit with her routine of eating and sleeping


Any advice would be gratefull


Adam ,

With the greatest of respect , this is absolutely the wrong place to be asking advice on a matter of such importance , unless you are porpared to take such advice with a pinch of salt .

If in doubt , ask your doctor :)

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Adam, basically I agree with efc but would add that it depends on your child's health and if she can tolerate heat. A mate of mind, who is a doctor, will not go near the Canaries because of poor health care, his son is paraplegic. In May it will be in the high 70's to low 80's which is a lot for a baby unused to the heat..................

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Hi Thanks for the links


I was just wondering if anyone had taken their young children on holiday abroad at around that sort of age and if had any advise regarding how they were on the plane and things like that.


Am checking with the doctors today for there advise on if ok to go or not

Edited by Adam
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Never took Josh abroad when he was that little....not for any medical reasons but because we couldn't afford it :( .


High seventies low eighties is no more than a decent British summer and it's not as if you're going to Outer Mongolia so I don't see a problem, loads of people do it.


Just take sensible precauctions (once saw a kiddie with horrific blistered burning all over his back in Gambia....and his father was a doctor!).


Having sat on a few "cattle truck" charter flights in my time I'd say that babies all react differently, some are fine and some scream for four hours solid, but they do that on bus journeys too :) . Maybe try and have her feeding during take-off and landing so the sucking helps with the pressure change effect on her ears.


I also wouldn't worry too much about the change in routine, babies are very resilient, she'll get back into it soon enough when you get home.

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Never took Josh abroad when he was that little....not for any medical reasons but because we couldn't afford it :( .


High seventies low eighties is no more than a decent British summer and it's not as if you're going to Outer Mongolia so I don't see a problem, loads of people do it.


Just take sensible precauctions (once saw a kiddie with horrific blistered burning all over his back in Gambia....and his father was a doctor!).


Having sat on a few "cattle truck" charter flights in my time I'd say that babies all react differently, some are fine and some scream for four hours solid, but they do that on bus journeys too :) . Maybe try and have her feeding during take-off and landing so the sucking helps with the pressure change effect on her ears.


I also wouldn't worry too much about the change in routine, babies are very resilient, she'll get back into it soon enough when you get home.



We took our Lyndz to Croatia when she was three, similar temperatures, sorry we bothered as she struggled with the heat and was mardy for most of the time and I came back looking like a milk bottle

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In all honesty, I'd wait another year or 2 before taking a baby on a holiday like that. It's not gonna be much relaxing for you, because they're still in that phase where they don't sleep all that much when they should. You have to worry about all kinds of infections, and sun burn, so I'd advise either postponing it or leaving the baby home for a week or 2. A vacation is about relaxing, and I doubt you'll be doing much of that with a 1 year toddler with you.

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