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Chinese Dream

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I just read about it. That is soooo cool. I have a few thoughts about this one:


I don't think it's all about the bringing in of new talent. I also think it's cause the shirt sponsor is Chang beer and the Thailanders want to market in China. Not sure if EFC will gain any money from this, but I reckon it isn't a bad thing to get in the picture in Asia. Maybe EFC can charm some rich Asian potential investors... In that case I wouldn't exclude an inflow of Asian players, of which this show might be a prelude... But it's just a thought. In EFC's situation, some money coming in could hardly be a bad thing.


I'm not saying it will be like that, I'm just saying it gives EFC some opportunities.

Edited by Mirallas
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Chang is indeed beer from Thailand, although never consumed it. Everton Football Club or not. Just something that wouldn't appeal.

I am indeed surprised that a supporter of any club wouldn't know the origins of the club sponsor. Even more surprised that someone who did know wouldn't have tried it at least once even if it was just to see how bad it could be.

As it happens it's not too bad. Had an opportunity when visiting UK last year to get some in a Thai restaurant at Romney....when the staff found out I was a blues supporter they gave me a pretty flash Chang Beer mug as a souvenir.

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Chang isn't the best lager Ive had, but its not to bad. Made me feel good buying a 6er(dumb I know) just because I'm an Everton supporter. Cant find it in Michigan though. Bought it in Chicago.


We could have a lot to gain from such a deal especially considering our low commercial revenue. On the other hand a couple years ago fox soccer had this Aussie program that was similar in trying to find new talent competition with the winner getting a contract. The show wasn't horrible, but the players really lacked class. I would be surprised if any of those players made it professionally.

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Ive got a special shop for my Chang. As most say, its not bad. Its not great. It is quite sweet.


Im an arsehole for posting a one liner with a winky face? When I actually stuck up for the guy calling me an arsehole? wink.png


You're not fooling anyone, knäckebrödmuncher

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