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Football Aid 2016 – Play at Goodison Park!

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How would you like to 'Live The Dream' at Goodison Park and take part in a truly memorable 90 minute match on the hallowed turf?


Well now's your chance as Everton FC have once again joined forces with Football Aid - www.footballaid.com - (who are celebrating 15 years organising charity matches all over the UK!) to provide fans with the unique opportunity to create their very own piece of club history by playing at Goodison Park in 2016, while raising valuable funds for charity at the same time.


Football Aid offers Toffees fans the unrivalled opportunity to experience a matchday in the same way the likes of Phil Jagielka, Seamus Coleman and Ross Barkley do every other week. As a player you'll get the chance to pull on your very own exclusive personalised Everton replica shirt in the official changing rooms, experience the thrill of walking down the tunnel to the sound of a cheering crowd and step out onto the hallowed turf proudly sporting your official playing kit and represent The Toffees in a never to be forgotten 90 minutes of football!


To add to that, the matches at Goodison Park have also been supported by a host of fantastic Everton legends in recent years, with the likes of Stuart Barlow, Jamie Milligan, David Weir and Nick Chadwick (and many more) all lending their extra special support by playing alongside or managing the fans on their big day.


Securing your position couldn’t be easier, just visit www.footballaid.com and choose the Everton game and then you’ll have two Fixed Price options: Option 1: Buy Now - Book your place with a one off payment, or Option 2: Sponsored to Play - Pay a non-refundable £100 deposit for your place, then pay the remaining balance anytime before Fri 29th Jan 2016.


Everton fan Dave Cashin took part in 2015 and told Football Aid about his experience after the game:


"This is the 2nd year running that I’ve participated in this event and already I'm looking forward to year 3!! I'd like to add that the day was superbly managed from start to finish by all involved and I cannot speak highly enough of the effort that both Football Aid and Everton FC put in to making a fantastic day for all the players. I was fortunate enough to play with two legends, Stuart Barlow and Jamie Milligan, and both were an absolute credit to the cause. Great guys who had plenty of time to get round us all and make us feel like "one of the lads". Thanks again Football Aid, a great day for a great cause and your work should be duly praised and published."


So if you're keen to secure a place on your Field of Dreams this season, why not visit www.footballaid.com and sign up today! If you’d like any additional information, you can call Football Aid on tel: 0131 220 5999, e-mail: info@footballaid.com, post on their Facebook page: www.facebook.com/footballaid or send a tweet to @FootballAid.

Since forming in 2001 Football Aid have allowed over 16,250 football fans the chance to Live the Dream in 614 matches all over the UK, while raising over £2.2M for charity. Funds raised from this year's event will benefit the work of a charitable project nominated by Everton in the Community, as well as projects nominated by Football Aid’s parent charity Field of Dreams.

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