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Whats Your Most Embarassing Moment?.


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Are we sitting comfortably?, then I'll begin.............


It was a lazy July day, I was 16 years old, and decided to slope off to my bedroom for a quick one off the wrist, as you do.


I was well into the vinegar strokes and in walked my Mam, there was I in my teenage glory, I didn't even get time to cover my "shame", as she left my room I could have sworn I saw the flicker of a laugh on her face.


She never mentioned it afterwards, I certainly never f*cking mentioned it.


What's yours?.





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Are we sitting comfortably?, then I'll begin.............


It was a lazy July day, I was 16 years old, and decided to slope off to my bedroom for a quick one off the wrist, as you do.


I was well into the vinegar strokes and in walked my Mam, there was I in my teenage glory, I didn't even get time to cover my "shame", as she left my room I could have sworn I saw the flicker of a laugh on her face.


She never mentioned it afterwards, I certainly never f*cking mentioned it.


What's yours?.






oooo dont think anyone canbeat that :lol: i hate when you go up to someone and say ya'aryt lad thinkin its someone else ya always feel a right prick

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Are we sitting comfortably?, then I'll begin.............


It was a lazy July day, I was 16 years old, and decided to slope off to my bedroom for a quick one off the wrist, as you do.


I was well into the vinegar strokes and in walked my Mam, there was I in my teenage glory, I didn't even get time to cover my "shame", as she left my room I could have sworn I saw the flicker of a laugh on her face.


She never mentioned it afterwards, I certainly never f*cking mentioned it.


What's yours?.







i did the same with some mighty fine porn on full screen , but i was 20, and my mum asked me to turn it off so she could talk to me, it was worse that she stayed for a conversation, i hadn't finished

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I have a few moments


One was last week I was outside Lime Street Station by St Georges Hall at like 5pm on a Friday afternoon and it was full of businessmen. Anyway I had a floaty skirt on and it suddenly got windy. Well my skirt ended up by my head and i couldnt get it down so everyone saw everything Ive never run into the ubway so quickly in all my life!!!!!


I also have a habit of when im out tucking my skirt into my knickers


Maybe i should stop wearing skirts life might be simpler

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So many so little time.


When was 15 or so got in with some pretty way ward muckers. One thing led to another & before long we had advanced to stealing cars ( No stereotype jokes please... :lol: ).


Anyhows one night we chins this spiffy lookin Blue n Black Ford racing coloured GT Capri.


The heist was as usual a raging sucess, howeevr what followed was life shaping.


Seemed arl mate who owned the Capri liked running around on near funkin empty a fact of which we all overlooked.


We ended up half way towrads Chester I think then cough , splutter, funkin stop.


Yeh ran out of petrol. Fuk. Miles form home. Then like straight from a film script the friendly Policeman passes by, notices the lads's in distress & pulls in to offer assistance.ooohhh dble fuk.


To cut a long story short We knew, He knew & it was all over for the Sefton 3.


The embarrasaing part came the next week.


Firstly these hard ass old cops @ the brasserie clipped us around the ear( very firmly), threw us in the cells, hosed us with cold water, gave us the real old fashioned you wont want to be coming here again treatment ( of which in hindsight im thanfull).


No charges were laid, the car woner saw the learning exercise being passed on & aftera good arl fashioned flogging from the ole man...it seemed the worst had past.




Monday morn assembly @ school the head man announces the schools new involvemnet in a communitty/police liason saftey scheme thingy...& fuk me we near died when in his next breath he announced that the schools 3 ambassadors for this programme were yep the sefton 3.


He then made us stand up the front of the whole school, went on to explain publicly our crime & then proclaimed us idiots.


was really really humiliating. But we lived.


Next morning & for the following 3 morning's that week, a full school assembly was called we were summonsed to the foprnt & once again proclaimed as IDIOTS.


Fuk me we got nailed.


Afterwrads fer a while got So bad we'd be cruzin the school yards & passers by form form's we didnt even no would bleet out IDIOTS as we crossed paths.


Eventually the rep we gained turne dout not to bad...Though a life lesson was learned & if I had my time again, uno Ide take the right option.


To be honest & dont happen anymore in schools no doubt, but a lil bit of ( or alot in our case) of Public Humiliation can nip a smart ass on the verge of becoming a real tearaway in the bud & make him pull his head in a bit.


If only a little but enough to keep ones nose just that bit cleaner in future life.

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