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Matthew Street Festival Cancelled..


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Some people are laying the blame at Warren Bradley. Personally.. I couldn't care less about the festival it's usually shite like Lamarr playing anyway - the pubs are always there :D


From humble beginnings in the 1980s, with a bit of a Beatles auction, and a do at the Cavern, The Mathew Street Festival has mushroomed in size and ambition.


By last year it had become “Europe's biggest street party”, attracting 100,000 people, with big name acts on big stages, and everyone looked forward to letting their hair down on the last holiday of summer.


But today, in Liverpool's 800th birthday year, when it should have been grander and more ambitious than ever, Mathew Street Festival has been called off.


The decision to pull the plug follows independent advice from London health and safety consultants Capital Symonds, employed by the Liverpool Culture Co, who highlighted the loss of the Pier Head (see Not Strictly Confidential earlier this week) and the building site that is Liverpool city centre as a major factor in the decision.


Merseyside Police are, unsurprisingly, backing the decision (see same story), saying that his reduction in capacity, combined with huge crowds in an open, licensed environment, means there is a significant safety risk to the public. The detailed planning for the event, and discussions between the city council, police and safety officials, cannot fully eliminate the risk, they said in a statement.


Jason Harborow, chief executive of the Liverpool Culture Company, said: “In many ways, the Mathew Street Festival has become a victim of its own success this year. The huge growth in the popularity of the festival, combined with the loss of the Pier Head, presented us with a massive problem.”


The council, in a statement, says: “Staff worked right to the 11th hour to try and produce a workable plan which could accommodate the festival in the city centre.”



Eleventh hour indeed. Just yesterday a tender document went out for pa and lighting companies to pitch for the festival, taking place in under four weeks time, with a deadline of today.


Many thousands of people around the world are bound to be disappointed, including acts booked from as far away as Japan.


“I'm absolutely devastated, it's one of the best days out! there isn't a better way to spend the August Bank Holiday,” said the far-more-local Manchester-based Kelly Ormesher, a regular reveller whose friends travel from all over the UK to the event.


In a statement, the Culture Company says: “The advice relates specifically to the unique conditions surrounding the staging of the Mathew Street Festival this year, and does not affect the city’s ability to stage other large-scale events.”

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Louis, You say you dont care for it, Fair Enough but i myself love it, its a good weekend.







Lets Add this to


Merseytram,Paradise street Bus Interchange,Edge Lane and Everton (thinking of moving to kirkby should not have ever been thought of but look where we are)


my 16-18 mates will be gutted as the tents always were a bit lacking on id checking front.


i'm so angry i was looking forward to this as well.

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