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Posts posted by Mirallas

  1. Seen someone basically post the same thing earlier, anyhow just seen a kopite post this on fb.


    Was hoping for the jan klass huteallar and Fernando llorente's of the world but looks like its gunna be benayoun and Dempsey :/ FML


    Why would Dempsey be worse than Llorente? Dempsey scores just as much, but he's a midfielder, so that's actually more impressive, plus he's got experience with the EPL, unlike Llorente.

  2. They can bid all they want, if Fellaini was going to be sold he'd of been sold weeks and weeks ago not in the closing hours of the transfer market. I don't think Marouane wants to leave yet either, he's loved at the club and it's obvious we are going places whereas Arsenal are yet to score this season.


    Negotiation techniques. Get them sweating under the pressure that the transfer window closes in a few hours. They'll do crazy things (January 2011, Torres => Chelsea). If Everton can get like say 30 million + Ramsey or some other alternative then that'll be great for Everton's finances.

  3. Imagine that you are super man, and lex luthor goes out an buys an expensive new super villain suit with really cool tricks and gadgets. And it turns out that none of them work. You make fun out of his suit for years.


    Would you, as superman, then go and buy his suit from him?


    It didn't work cause The super villain was too fat for the suit. It happens to fit Superman well and he looks great in it too. Superman then proceeded to beat Lex Luthor and the other villains in the league.

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