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Posts posted by Fearthainn

  1. Yet one year later here we are knocked out of the League Cup by mighty Leeds. It seems that as long as you start the Premier League season in great form, make some astute transfers and play some sexy football everything is forgiven. Those people last year were right all along I tells ya. Don't be fooled.









    (may not be entirely serious fishing.gif )

  2. We really do love the League Cup don't we? The complacency was shocking. The League Cup is not the most glamorous competition out there, but it's still a chance for silverware, and since most other teams use plenty of reserve players as well we could at least give it a better go. And it's not like we haven't had enough embarrassing performances in this competition in the past. We should know better.


    Ah well...

  3. How the fuck did no one mark that guy? Even a Sunday league team would have put a defender there. Embarrassing.


    That said it wasn't even a free kick in the first place though.

  4. Unlucky? Yes, Newcastle played well 2nd half? Yes. Glaring errors from the officials? Yes. But those are excuses which hide the real problem. We look like a team that can only play well when we have the rub of the green. When top teams get a bad decision or three against them, they crank up the intensity, the desire and the skill level. We shrank into our shells and got what we deserved - robbed!


    We can bitch and moan abour bad decisions from the officials, the injury to Jelly but the bottom line is - if we had been good enough and mentally strong enough we would have won the game.


    We aren't and we didn't and I am bloody angry about it.


    I can see where you're coming from, but after things went against us (Newcastle's equaliser, first disallowed goal), we still managed to score another perfectly good goal that was wrongly disallowed and another goal that should have been the winner. So I can't really agree that they didn't crank up the intensity or lacked the desire. Sure, they weren't as dominant as in the first half, sure defensively everyone was shaking like a leaf. We didn't sink back into our shells though, we were good enough to win that match 9 times out of 10.

  5. Can't be too harsh on the team, sure, a couple of defensive errors that Newcastle took advantage of, but plenty of missed chances and robbed by the ref. Excellent games from Pienaar, Baines, Fellaini, Mirallas.There will always be a couple of unlucky days like this one. As long as we don't see a repeat of the West Brom match soon I won't complain much.


    Disappointed with Moyes though, Pardew changed his team at half time and it was obvious Moyes had no answer.

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