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Posts posted by StevO

  1. Name: StevO

    Age: 21

    From: Rainhill

    Favourite Everton player at the moment: Tony "hard as fuck" Hibbert

    Favourite all time player: Big Nev

    Favorite Charlton Player: Graham Stuart

    Greatest memory of Everon v Charlton: again, got to be the inspired signing of Marcus Bent

  2. Gerrard; i dont think he should have been booked for kickin the ball away (but it is in the rules) but the second could have been a red on its own


    VDM; maybe should have been yellow, but as others have said, in ever challenge in that game players had elbows in their faces, just the character of some players falling to the floor to force a decision that should not need to be made. seems to me the ref wanted to even it up with the red cards.

  3. Lets get back to the facts shall we, IF the G14 teams broke off with out the permission of FIFA they would have to be playing a new game with a new name, as FIFA own the right to the "game" Football and Soccer and ALL language translations of such. Therefore they would be playing i dont know... toe ball, footkick?


    and whats this "FIFA are shit scared of G14, and rightly so!"

    hmm get real mate, how many professional footballing companies are there in the world?


    Goldfish - your idea of what would happen if this "super league" took off, i think you got it spot on mate.


    yes football is a business, and with any business its the customers that matter. or "fans" as this industry calls us, look at the champions league games, when italian teams travel they dont take that many fans as the cost is huge, imagine that cost every other week. no away fans im affraid, well, a very small ammount at least! kids cant go because of the over inflated prices (albeit even worse than now!) and then no bond with the club, no love for the club which can only come from a lifetime of emotions shared in that atmosphere (which has already been lost due to all the problems that have developed though the G14 super league!)


    im rantin now, but you get the picture.


    FIFA doesnt need G14

    G14 needs FIFA

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