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Everything posted by L_Blue

  1. I know there is a lot of money in trades and things that might not involve such academically weighted qualifications bit I think that the competition for jobs means you have to perform well whatever. Sure you might not need great grades to become a plumber or something but are they really going to want to take on the person who decided exams were "a bit of a waste of time" as an apprentice over someone who has these qualifications? I don't persoanlly think exams are always the best way of judging someone's ability but the thing is that is one of the main things employers are going to see on your CV so you just have to conform really.
  2. Maybe Blueboy needs to read that statement that has become so prominant on the front page of the site recently.
  3. Not sure who your source is but I will believe it when I see all three of them crammed into a single Everton jersey holding a scarf over their heads, plus I think the three of them might disrupt the dressing room harmony I can't see this one coming off.
  4. Thats obv bollocks what site did you get that from?
  5. All grudges aside I think Kuyt's record looks pretty good and I think Benitez has made some good signing generally so he will have done his homework. I do think they have a strong squad and probly one of the best in the prem much as I hate to say it. I think some people are just saying Kuyt is crap just cos he has now signed for Liverpool, 10m isn't that much in todays climate when you consider what utd paid for Carrick and what they may pay for Hargreaves. I dislike Liverpool as much as anyone else and would love to see all of their new players flop but it just seems to me that sometimes people here just slag someone off because they have signed for a rival club, I think if Kuyt had signed for us people would be singing his praises.
  6. and even if we sell him, now he has a long contract the scottish clubs can't try to get him on the cheap
  7. Did I miss something how come you have changed your name to Romey? and.... Modern Life Is Rubbish - Blur Since I Left You - The Avalanches
  8. Ah well s'pose there are worse ways to spend your birthday
  9. Happy birthday, maybe the red shite will lose for you to have something else to celebrate about today, it's only the crappy shield but it's always nice to see them lose.
  10. Hate to seem like I am agreeing with Craccer but I don't think with 3 up front it would make much difference/ Whilst I don't think we have a bad midfield I think we are lacking in creativity and if we have 3 upfront will we still only have 1 player likely to create opportunities in midfield so unless we are gonna play long ball I can't see 3 making much difference.
  11. L_Blue


    Predator greatest film ever imho To the guy who said we were soldiers was good I saw it on channel 4 and thought it was terrible it was 2 hours of Mel being all god fearing and whining about his men, I know people died in Vietmam and it was terrible but don't think we need this sentimental bollocks give me Platoon Apocalypse or Full Metal Jacket. But, each to their own I suppose. Watched a few films on film4 recently watched Ghost World and enjoyed that, also the Japanese Ghibli animation films that are on Film4 at the moment are all pretty good.
  12. In my opinion this looks much better, no it isn't a piss take B Movies kick ass:
  13. If it involves those new releases and you are buying it for the unaltered old films the transfer isn't great because Lucas doesn't want them to exist so the unaltered original trilogy is a copy of the old laser discs which means the quality isnt as good as the remastered versions. They don't really bother me that much tho so I just keep the special editions of the original trilogy. Thought ep 1 was ok and with a bit of editing could have been really good didnt like ep 2 but thought ep 3. Long story short I reckon you should buy them... anyway I will stop being nerdy now
  14. the site is so shit sure ooo fancy java doesnt it look pretty every pre season game it has fucked up so far and I for one am glad I am not paying for exclusive commentary that is 'temporarily unavailable'. If this site keeps breaking over pre season games what's it gonna be like come 5pm on a saturday afternoon.
  15. Not a season ticket holder only make it to about 4 - 5 games a season but I sit in the Upper Bullens I know the Gkadwys has a good atmosphere but I hate being sat behind a goal cos I don't feel you get to actually see most of the game so always a side seat for me. Plus main stand seems too expensive so that's why it's usually the Bullens for me.
  16. well we have no money now unless Bill magically pulls it out of his arse so unless the price drops down to pence we still have no chance.
  17. could you post all your songs in one thread so that we all have a single place to 'listen' to them rather than having all these new threads all the time.
  18. Well it's Wally Smith's fault for giving him a stupid contract. His last couple of years were prob his least injury plagued however by this time he was knackered I agree would like to see him as some kind of ambassador for the club but not sure what role.
  19. I'm with Mac if we had gotten to a final in Cardiff I would have def gone if we get to one in London not so sure would be a pain in the arse to get to imagine what people from Newcastle must think having to get down to there. Again it is a case of the south thinking it's amazing and deserves everything why does London need everything on their doorsteps lottery funding etc it all gets swallowed by London no wonder foreign people assume we all have cockney accents and live in London.
  20. been once it was ok cept it was boiling hot and I was running round in a boiler suit, also dont like those games where you can respawn if you go to a certain point cos then you have been shot and are walking to the respawn point with your gun in the air and all these twats are shooting you from their hidey holes and you're think "F*** off I'm already dead!!!!!!!!!!" apart from that it was ok
  21. POE that sarcasm thing you need to get used to.... Well I didn't think it got much worse than the Kate Winslet Video but this is pretty close to be honest.
  22. I dont think I would class Newcastle in a different bracket to us no strikers shit defence decent midfield which seems pretty injury prone but wouldn't class them apart from us.
  23. Adam 24 Chester (Uni in Manc) There seem to be a lot of Adam's on this site.
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